Yes, Ill be Yours

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Onika'a POV
2 months later

Its been 2 months since Bey moved down her with Jay, and everything had been going well.

We've grown closer. And I don't think Papa likes that. He found out about her condition last month and he's been at my neck ever since.

He's been home more, and has even been trying to spend EXTRA time with me. Anything to take my time from with Bey.

Bey and I were currently sitting in my room making tiktoks. I was laying flat on the floor while she was all on my chest being a baby. What's better than to make tiktoks while your "bestfriend" soon to be girlfriend is pouting?

She was acting out because I wouldn't braid her hair. Like what ? She knew i would eventually do it, but she wanted it done on her time. I didn't feel like it yet so she was gonna have to wait.

"Nika Bear pleeaaassseee" she pleaded. She heard Mommy call me that one time and she hasn't stopped since. God she's annoying sometimes.

"Bey no. Now get off my titty that hurts" i said pushing her body away. She jumped up and stomped away. Really ?

"Im finna go ask Auntie Carol to braid it since you don't want to." she said walking out the room. She knew what she was doing. Mommy would tell me to do it if Bey went in there pouting to her.

As expected she came in again with a big grin on her face. "Auntie Carol said do my hair now before she smack you" she said laughing. I really don't find anything funny.

"No, imma do it when i get ready" i said starting my new tik tok. Next thing you know i feel a shoe landing on my head. I just know .....

"Chile didn't i tell you to do something? What you mean you'll do it when you ready?!" Mommy yelled. See ??

I rolled my eyes and got off the floor to get the hair stuff. "Roll em again!! Watch I smack em to the back of your head" Why is she even still in here ?

I'm so ready for Bey to go home at this point. I looked in the mirror and saw I had a big bruise on my forehead. Seriously !!!!

"Do you want me to sit on the floor or in a chair?" Bey came into the bathroom to ask.

"I don't care where you sit, as long as you go away after this." I said with an attitude.

"Aww Nika Bear are you mad at me?" she said wrapping her arms around me from behind. "Move away" i said pushing her away. I'm so over her.

"Don't be mad. I just really wanted my hair done." she said making puppy dog eyes.

"Well I wanted to make my tik toks but only one of us can get what we want. Let's go so I can get this over with" i said pushing past her.

She decided to sit on the floor in front of the mirror. She think she slick cause who told her to move my mirror.

I started braiding and she just kept staring at me through the mirror. She started to rub my thigh in circular motions. What does this girl want !!???

"What Bey?" i finally asked.

"Why you be playing like you don't wanna be with me?" she asked smirking.

"Who said i be acting?" i asked, because I really didn't feel like dealing with her.

She stood up stopping me from doing what she wanted me to do in the first place, and looked me in my eyes. "Stop playing like you just so disgusted by me." Then she kissed me. I kissed back cause why not?

"You know I want you, and you want me. So why act funny? Why you gotta play hard to get?" she asked holding my chin in place to look at her. I didn't even know what to say. I did want her, but... I don't know.

"You don't even got an answer for that do you?" she asked chuckling. "I already know you don't, youn even gotta answer. So stop playing and be minessss" she whined.

All I could do was laugh because she was being such a baby today. Then be trynna run shit tomorrow.

I just responded with an "Ok Bey." I'm tired of acting like I don't like her back.

"WHAT !?! YOU'LL BE MINES???" she asked jumping in excitement.

"Yes, I'll be yours"

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