Jail and Labor?

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Beyonce POV

I woke up on the couch with Jay. Oddly I remember everything that happened last night. Well not the part when we actually got drunk but from the call with Onika to me falling asleep. Thankfully.

Sitting on the couch rereading my messages with Onika from a couple of hours ago has me a little shook. I didn't think I would actually call her. Then I was desperate enough to text her afterwards. Good thing from it all is that she agreed to talk to me while I was sober. Well...

I'm still kind of scared to call her because of how long we went without talking. It's honestly all my fault. Being around her all day was making me loose track of what I was in charge of. I was slacking.

Everything was falling out of place with "the business" and it was costing me a lot. I had a few run-ins with some of my father's workers because of me being his murderer. But I took care of it. Let me just say no one will hear from them again.

Over these few months I can admit that I've changed. I'm much more confident and powerful. My name has grown to hold weight in these streets. If they thought I was known in Cali, they got another thing coming out here in Queens.

I'm sure Onika has heard about what's been going on with me and I didn't want to just be around her. If anything would have happened to her I would've lost it.

"Uhhhh shit. My head pounding like a motherfucker dawg. What time is it?" Jay finally woke up. This dude can't remember falling off the porch.

"Nigga you fell off the porch that's why yo head pounding. But it's 12 some. You need to get up so we can head to this house and count this money." I said walking towards my room. I could hear him talking shit. It's usually him making me get up but I felt a little spark of energy today.

The urge to call Onika was strong but I didn't want to get shut out. I know she go chew me out. She couldn't earlier because I was drunk and probably would've laughed at her. It's just that she's so short and when she's mad her face get red as a tomato. Who wouldn't laugh!?

I got my outfit ready and hopped in the shower. While inside, I just thought about how my life has changed a lot. It's crazy that I've never had a dream. Like kids have dreams to become something; never had one. I was taught that dreams are just that. They don't come true. And how life is going, my father was right.

I wasn't always treated the way I was. Life was happy at one point. Up until I was about 6. I don't know why things changed but I remember the exact day. Of course it started with my cry baby sister Solange. Not getting her way.

My parents always took Solange's side in everything. Literally. I didn't care because I always saw myself as a tougher person than her. Which is true in many ways.

I've decided to put those things behind me and focus on my future. I plan on leaving this business at some point. Not anytime soon but eventually. Staying in this my whole life like my father isn't something I even thought about.

Looking back I didn't think I would even make it pass 18. Now that I'm 18 I just have to keep pushing to prove to myself that I can make it.

After my shower I attempted to do my hair. That's something that Onika started to do for me. Ever since I came down here, her or aunt Carol had been doing my hair. Doing it on my own is so hard! But I've managed. A slick pony or two braids is always my go to.

I decided on two braids. That went best with my fit for the day; red Nike sweat suit, white t shirt, and white AF1. I threw on a gold chain, diamond earrings and my grill. Too fly!

When I walked out Jay was kind of matching me; red Nike shirt, black pants, and red Nike pros. He also had his grill, diamond ear ring and chain on. Copy cat.

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