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Onika POV

We just pulled up to whatever location I'm supposed to do the drop at, and these people are rich!!!

"Holy shit! This house is huge" i said with wide eyes. I'm sure that looked weird. Especially cause i'm too high right now.

Once I parked, a bald man came and opened my door. Me being confused. I closed it back. I'm not supposed to be getting out the car at all.

"Cmon, I didn't open it for no reason. Boss man wanna see you. Plus you gotta show your face to get the card of conformation." he said opening the door back.

I woke up Beyoncé and told her I had to go in. She want too fond of that but oh well. The bald man helped me out the car and walked me to the door.

"Mikey?" we heard Bey call out. Causing us to stop in our tracks and turn around. They seemed surprised. I guess they know each other.

"Beyoncé ?! I haven't seen you in years kiddo. What you doing over on this side" he asked walking back to the car. I followed because I was not about to go inside by myself.

"I moved down here 2 months ago. After running away from your pussy ass homeboy." she said with a blank face. She didn't seem as happy as him,

"Word? He told us you got kidnapped." he said, face scrunched up. He shouldn't really do that.

"Nah, I wish." she said before eyeing the both of us. "I'm coming in too"

"No Bey, Papa doesn't even know your with me. Something could go wrong" i tried convincing her. I really didn't want her face to be seen incase something did happen.

She ignored me of course, and still got out. We began to walk back up the stairs to the huge door. All those stairs for what!

We followed him inside, and into this big room with one desk and two chairs. I did not come here to have a conversation. This was supposed to be an in and out situation.

"You finally made it, how are you?" we heard a deep voice from behind us. We all quickly turned to the voice. He looked shocked when we turned around. I'm guessing he wasn't expecting to see a girl.

"Beyoncé" "Matthew" Bey and who i'm assuming is Matthew said at the same time.

He looked at me and a smirk came to his face. What is up with these old men?
I just looked away avoiding eye contact.

"I'm guessing your Roberts daughter? Well I know your Roberts daughter." he said. Still with this ugly smirk.

"How do you know my father?"

" I have my ways. Come sit." he started walking to the desk. With us following behind sitting in the two chairs adjacent from him.

"Ok. So. Let's talk money." he said. Talk Money? What

"Um, i'm not here for that. I'm just supposed to drop some stuff off to you and leave. I'm not even supposed to be out of the car." i said. I'm go try and keep this tough act up for a while.

"I know why you're here. I also know that your father only sends you on certain drops." he said crossing his legs. I'm so tired of hearing why he uses me.

"What makes you say that?" i had to ask.

"Because I just know. Robert only sends you on drops for people with big bids. The small bids are done by him. Because he doesn't want you to get hurt. He knows the big bidders are easy. And youre a girl. A very beautiful one at that. So, they won't think much." he said while pouring a drink from beside him.

"And how does you telling me that change anything? I already knew that. Nothing new" As long as he wasn't sending me off to get hurt. I don't care.

"You're ok with being used like this? I could offer you something bigger. More money?" he said with confidence.

I know this man don't think i'm about to turn on my Papa for money. We have enough of that.

"I'm not turning on my father for no amount of money." he can just forget about that

"What makes you think she'll turn on her people? They actually treat her right. Don't give her a reason to wanna run away, for example." Bey finally spoke up. I forgot she was even here.

"I mean, you turned on me. So what's the difference." he replied, causing Bey to laugh.

"It's a huge difference sir. You beat me for years because of something I couldn't control. Made me suffer in situations no child should ever be put through. But i'm grown now, and i'll be damned." she snapped back. She sounded hurt.

From hearing them talk, I came to the conclusion that this must be her father. Piece of shit.

Bey didn't talk about her parents much. She only told us me she ran away. Never told me how or why.

"Ugh you're just like your mother. Always hold grudges. It's been what? 6 years. Get over it." he darkly chuckled.

"You know what? Cmon Onika." she said standing. I proceeded to stand with her until that Mikey dude grabbed me. What the fuck.

"LET ME GO!" i screamed while jerking away. That didn't seem to help. Strong ass.

"Let her the fuck go." Bey said. She was so damn calm. I'm about to die. and she's calm?

She them pulled out a gun. "Bey what the hell" i said surprised. How did I not see that?

"You thought I would come in her with no protection? I expected to see you Matthew. Mikey goes everywhere you go. He's your little puppet. I wouldn't send her in here alone." she spoke while walking up to Matthew pointing the gun to his head.

"Come on Beyoncé. You wouldn't kill your father now would you?" Matthew sounded scared. He must know she's capable of killing him. And wouldn't care.

"I don't give a fuck about you sir what don't you get?!! I will paint your walls with your own fucking blood and brains. Try me! Let her go Mikey. I don't even know why y'all try me! I'm too experienced for y'all!" She said going in and out from screaming to calm.

Right now i'm more scared of her than the man holding me with all his force.

Some minutes went by of us just standing there. It started to get weird with them holding a powerful stair with each other. Bey's eye was twitching while Matthew just sat there looking scared. Pussy.

The silence was interrupted by two loud gun shots. Oh my-

"Aahhhhhh!" Mikey screamed. I looked over to Matthew to see that Bey definitely did what she said she would. She painted his walls with his own blood and brains.

"Let's go." I ran so fast by her side.

so i proof read, but i didn't proof read. if that makes sense 🤣

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