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Carol POV

The way my daughter came to me and set me straight ... is beyond me. She's so much like her mother. I didn't take it disrespectfully because she was genuinely worried about me.

I don't want to be that type of parent. I want her to feel like she can come to me for any and everything.

I was in the shower just thinking; why do you still leave and do the things you do Carol? Well, to answer that, I don't know. Maybe it's because I have nothing else better to do, other than sit home and work.

People around my age, 32, have probably met their soulmate, or even have 1+ children. I had Nika early. Due to me running around with Robert.

To clear things up, I haven't been 'flinging' . I actually have someone. I just don't want to tell Onika, in fear that she'll fell some way. But, after today, I don't think she'll feel any hatred.

Oh yea, speaking of children, I think i'm expecting. I mean, I would be very excited if I was but, my first born is almost an adult. I bought a pregnancy test last week, but never took it. I think i'm going to take it today.

After my shower, I lotion my body and put on my clothes.

"Alright Carol, momma ain't raise no bitch. Take this test and stop being a bitch." i spoke to myself.

I pee on the stick and walk away. Whew I am scared.

"Mommy?" Onika walked into the bathroom scaring the shit out of me.

"Jesus Onika. What is it?" i asked holding my chest. She looked at the sink and spotted the test. Well.

"Mommy are you pregnant ? Omg ! I'm gonna be a big sister. Finally!!" she said jumping around. Now she is too old for this.

"Onika. Chill. I don't know yet. In plus, it wouldn't be so good. I've been drinking.... and having sex....Not so gentle sex." i told her.

"Mommy, please stop with the sex gosh. I don't want to hear that my 40 year old mother is getting railed." she scrunched up her face.

"I am not 40 yet, but it's true. Luckily if I am I know who the father is. And what you know about getting railed?" i said looking at the flipped over test.

"How momma? Don't you have a new fling every time you're horny or whatever you old people get? And why wouldn't I know about getting railed momma. I'm 16." I can't stand this child sometimes.

"Your age doesn't explain anything. And no I don't have a new fling every time. I've been flinging with the same man for months now. I've been knowing him for years. I just never told you because I didn't want you to be mad. But that seems to be the least of your worries." i started to chuckle.

"Momma I don't care. As you said, you're grown. Momma gotta get some action from somewhere.Now hurry up and flip that test over i'm so excited!" lord.

I flipped it over and zoned out while a Onika did her screaming. I'm really pregnant.

I immediately ran towards my phone. I have to tell John about this, now. I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Mommy are you ok?" I heard Onika ask. I'm too busy trying to call John, i'm not about to answer her right now.

"Hey baby, what's up?" John answered.

"John, I'm pregnant" way to start the conversation. It was silent on his end.

"Umm, ok. That's great, right ?" he sounded unsure.

"I mean yea, only if it's great with you. Do you think we'll be able to raise a child together ?" i asked.

"Momma who cares if he's ready. I'm ready to be a sister. Let's go baby shopping!" she said still jumping with joy. She is too damn excited.

"You're already a sister Onika. We're not going shopping, the baby not even a full baby yet." she was getting out of hand with excitement.

"Someone seems happy. Hey, little Nika." John spoke.

"Little Nika ? Momma why does that man sound so familiar?" Onika came and sat beside me.

John facetimed me and when Onika saw his face, she smiled widely.

"Johhhnnyyy??? Omg hiii!!!! It's been forever !!! Wait. You're the one that's been goosing on my momma? eehhhhhh. Bye" she gave me the phone and walked out. She's so dramatic.

Onika knows who John is. They've met plenty of times, just not in a matter of me dating him.

"Yup, still the little Nika I remember. She's beautiful Carol. Just like her mother." he's so sweet.

"Thank you. If she was still sitting here, she would say the same. But, about this baby thing. You know this means I have to tell Robert right?" I could care less what he thought, But it's best not to leave him in the dark of things.

"Yep. I'm sure he'll be accepting. Especially since he's been doing his own thing." he laughed.

"Yea I guess"

this a lil short. i just wanted to update since i'm bored at school lol. also, are y'all's schools out because of weather? or is it just dallas?

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