Day 29: Make Something beautiful

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'What'cha doing Hetty?' Sam asked.

'Just deciding what kind of sweater to knit for Miss Blye.' Hetty answered.

'I didn't know you still knit.'

'I sometimes do.'

'You sure you don't have another sweater you can regift?' Sam said with a bit of snark remembering that 10 years ago, she regifted the sweater he had knited for her the previous year.

'Ha ha. No I don't, you know my stuff would be too small on her.'

'I know. Just making a joke.'

'Swell, you can stand there joking, or you can feel free to help me knit.' Hetty offered.


They worked all week on the sweater. While trading conversations.

'So, things between you and that insurance agent good?' Hetty asked.

'Very. It, feels nice being with a woman again.' Sam responded.

'Mmm. And I trust she treats you nicely?'



The sweater looked beautiful when it was finished.

'Think she'll like it?' Sam asked.

'I like to think so!' Hetty responded.

She did. Kensi was absolutely astonished when she saw it when Hetty gave it to her at the office's Christmas Party.

'It's from Mr. Hanna and I. I hope you like it.'

'I love it! (going over to hug her) Thank you so much, Hetty!' Kensi responded.

'Oh! You're very welcome, dear.'

Kensi also thanked Sam by hugging him.

'You're welcome, Kensi.'

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