Day 7: Blanket Fort

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'What'cha thinking about, Eric?' Deeks cheerfully asked.

'Oh. Just thinking of something I used to do with a couple of my friends when I was a kid.' Eric responded.

'Oh. Like, nerdy things?'

'That, and, we used to make these blanket forts where we would pretend to be knights, or we would tell scary stories in them, and all kinds of things!' Eric said, his eyes lit up with nostalgia.

'Wow. That sounds fun.'

'Did you used to to do that kind of thing as a kid?'

'Uh, no. I did not. But, that sounds like something I'd love to do with my kid someday.' Deeks said.

'You're going to be a great dad someday, Deeks. I know you will.' Eric said, in a reasurring tone.

'I know. Hey, maybe I could come over this weekend and you could show me your fort making skills!'

'That sounds awesome!'

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