Day 13: Homesickness

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Note: This takes place after the Season 12 premiere.


Night had fallen. 'Another day where I'm still alive'. Hetty gloomily thought.

A few days ago, she had gotten a message from an old friend saying that she had to leave for a war zone, saying that her team was at risk.

As much as she didn't want to go given how absent she had been for the past couple of years, and that she had been in a few war zones in the past and would rather very much to forget the experience, she knew she had to protect her team.

That day, she was able to talk to Nell, and to give her info on a case for her team to solve. And had to cut their connection short when heavy fire started in her area.

She was able to fight off the bad guys with not much trouble, but she was a bit shaken up by it.

And she soon found out after fighting the bad guys off that she wouldn't be able to contact anyone for a while.

'Sigh. Away from my team, again. In a war zone years after I vowed to myself to never return to one. How much more depressing can this get?!' She thought to herself.

Then someone said:

'Hey! We got fresh whiskey for anyone who wants some!'

She walked over to the person with the whiskey and asked, 'What's the strongest stuff you got'?

As it turned out, the strongest stuff wasn't even that strong at all. 'Could this seriously get any worse?!' She angrily thought.

Then a kind soul came and sat down next to her.

'Yeah. I get it. I don't want to be here either.' He said.

'Do you have people you love back home that you didn't want to leave because you don't want them to worry about you 24/7?'

'I got a brother. But we don't talk much. I don't want to be here because I've already served in a war, but when you're called, you're called.'

'I'm here because my people are being threatened, and I'm here to find whoever is after them.' She responded.

'Do you know who is after them?'


'Served before?'

'Been in a few zones. And I'd rather forget about what I saw and did in those zones.' She responded.

'I feel ya. Seeing good people forget about humanity's rules just to survive to see the next day, and seeing all those dead people, it'll affect even the toughest of us all.' He responded.

'You're telling me. I've had a terrible couple of years, almost died a gruesome death, almost saw my people die, been absent for long periods of time. Sigh. I'm depressed, like a lot. And I think I'm lonely. I keep telling myself that I'm doing all this to keep them safe, but, I'm not sure if it'll be enough to cheer me up!' She responded, anxiously.

'Well, you love them, right?'

'Very much!'

'Then, they'll understand what you're doing. And, you sound like the strongest woman I've ever seen.'

Blushing, 'Aw, thank you for that!'

'I get what homesickness is like. I had it a lot. You'll get through it.' He said, in a comforting voice.

'Mmm. Thank you, for talking to me. I think it helped.'

'Talking always helps.'

'You're a good friend. Will you be sticking around?' She asked.

'For a while. I'll be around if you want someone to talk to.'

Smiling, 'I'd like that.'

Endnote: The thought of Hetty being all alone wherever she is made me sad, so, I gave her a friend here. (I'll probably bring him up a few times throughout The Season 12 Misadventure)

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