Day 11: PTSD

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Note: This one takes place in the early part of Season 11.


Keane's Place

'Thanks for coming over, Hetty.' Keane said.

'You're welcome. Any particular reason for you requesting me to come over?' Hetty asked.

'Just wanted to talk to you. Care to sit down on the couch?'


They sat down.

'I've been having PTSD triggers lately. A person I was talking to was talking about worms, and all I could think of was what you and I were forced to eat in captivity. Then someone else close by was talking about zoo animals in cages. And, oh, you look pale. Should I stop?'

'No. I sometimes get a little uneasy around those topics, but it's nothing. Were you okay?' Hetty said.

'I was lucky I didn't faint. I just walked out, and I felt okay. Sigh. It's been a year and a half, you'd think it'd be a bit easier.'

'It's different with everyone. In the 2 months before I went back to work, I had struggles with nightmares and even panic attacks. After I went back, I started to get a grip on them. Then came the Mexico suicide mission, and they came back worse then ever. Now, they occasionally appear, but not often.'

'Ever had any, triggers of sorts?'

'Quite a few actually. Like more then once when I was working on my garden and I saw worms, I'd think back to having to eat them, and I'd feel like throwing up. Only did once, thank goodness.' Hetty said.

'Does that make us, slightly damaged?' Keane asked.

'No! I may have thought that more then once, but as my very sweet shrink would say: Having triggers or bad dreams because you're still processing a traumatic event doesn't mean you're broken, you're just human.' Hetty said, in a reassuring voice.

'He said that to me too. And I suppose he's right.'

'He is. I'm glad to see how well you're doing!'

'I am too. And if you want my advice, Just take it easy. The triggers don't come around every time.' Hetty said, putting her hand on his knee.

'Thanks.' Keane responded.

'Do, you want a hug?'

'Sounds real nice!'

They hugged.

Keane said he'd call her the next day.

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