Day 5: Cuddling

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While Hetty was in the hospital and when she was sent home, her team sent her 'Get well soon' gifts. (Well, Nell and Eric sent the most of them.).

One of her presents was a beautiful comforter with angels on it. It was from Nell, which was originally from her sister.

'Oh my, this is beautiful!' Hetty thought. 'I'll definitely sleep well tonight!'.

She did. The next night, Nell stayed over.

She was sleeping well, but at one point, she thought: 'Hmm. A hug would be good right now.' Then went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, she woke up, in Nell's arms!

'Nell? What, what are you doing here?' she asked.

'I thought you might get lonely. And I've done this with my sister a few times.' Nell responded.

'Well, it just so happens I was thinking of how great a hug would feel!'

'Mmm. You feel good.'

'Chuckle! I feel good, dear!'

They both fell asleep.

A few hours later

Hetty woke up and saw Nell sleeping next to her.

'Good morning, dear!'

'Mmm. Morning Hetty.' Nell responded.

'Thanks for sleeping with me, and thanks for this beautiful comforter!'

'You're very welcome! I figured you could use a reminder that you have angels on your side. You know, the team?'

'Oh! Thank you for that!' Hetty reached over and hugged Nell.

'Oh! Thank you Hetty!'

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