Day 14: Road Trip

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Hey girls, I've decided we should go on a road trip together as a team bonding exercise! If you're interested, please let me know by 7:30 pm. We leave tomorrow!-Kensi.

The invitation that was on Nell's chair, Hetty and Fatima's desks. They all thought it was a good idea, given it had been a long time since there was a real team bonding exercise.

In the diary that Kensi kept during the trip:

Day 1: Hetty, Fatima, Nell and I set off on our road trip today. The RV that I bought was just big enough for all of us and our luggage. They asked me where we were going, I said I didn't know. I just wanted to go where the road would take me. Hetty thought that was great, and said some wise mumbo jumbo that I can't remember now. We drove for a while, and we stopped at this campsite. We roasted marshmellows and laughed at each other's jokes, and went to bed.

Day 2: Woke up early this morning by Hetty, who was awakened by constantly buzzing phone. There was a LOT of texts from Deeks, all basically the same: 'Where are you? Are you okay?'. I forgot to text him last night about where I was. I told her that, and I texted him back. She then asked me if there was a different reason as to why I wanted some time away. I, sigh, told her that Deeks was starting to be a bit annoying about when I'll possibly be pregnant. I want to one day be pregnant, just don't want to rush about it. I also don't want to quit my job. Somedays he sees that, but lately, he doesn't, and I just need a break from that for a bit. She understood, and said it was a good thing, 'Even wives can want a small break from husbands sometimes', she said. Time to get on the road!

Day 3: This trip has taken a bad turn. We stayed at a hotel last night. And there was loud noises coming from the room next to us all night. So, everyone was cranky when we woke up. Nell and I took turns driving while Hetty and Fatima tried to sleep. We got some lunch, and we kept driving. Stopped at another campsite. I noticed the girls weren't up for dinner, I checked on the food they ate, and it didn't smell fully cooked. As you can guess, food poisoning. Nell and I didn't eat the bad stuff, Fatima only had a bit of it, Hetty ate most of it, so yeah. And it's close to midnight, and I'm only up because listening to 2 of your work mates puke on and off for hours on end can be very disturbing.

Day 4: Told Nell it was best if we we just headed home. We didn't go very far from home, so if we drove all day, we could at least make it to one of Hetty's homes. Fatima was okay in the morning, Hetty slept all morning, Nell said she puked half the night. She woke up in the early afternoon, weak, but not throwing up. She asked to see me. Here's how our conversation went:

Me: 'Glad to see you're feeling better!'

Her: 'Mmm. Better then last night, for sure!'

Me: 'Yeah.'

Her: 'Were you crying? Because, your eyes look red.'

Me: 'Yes. I wanted a few days away from my husband and I got you and Fatima sick! I feel terrible.'

Her: 'Oh, no need to feel bad! The one person you should blame is whoever made yesterday's lunch!'

Me: 'Chuckle. I texted Deeks, told him we were heading home, I didn't tell him the real reason though.'

Her: 'Because you're afraid of how he might react?'

Me: 'Yes.'

Her: 'Well, you never know unless you talk to him. And I'm sure he'd understand that it wasn't your fault!'

Me: 'What if he doesn't?'

Her: 'Then that's his problem. But, I'm sure you 2 can work it out.'

Me: 'Thanks Hetty. Feel better.'

Her: 'Thank you!'

They arrived late that night. Nell said she was going to stay with Hetty overnight. Kensi went home, too tired to talk to Deeks.

Next morning, she told Deeks everything, He understood. And he hugged her, telling her it wasn't his fault, and promised to ease up on the baby expectations. And in return, had a great nap together.

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