Day 26: Junk Food

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Note: This is just a really silly one.

Kensi was having a bad day.

'Where's the candy I stored in my desk?' She asked.

'Your stomach?' Sam asked, grinning.

'No, the stuff I havn't eaten yet, that I stored 3 days ago. It's gone!'

'What's wrong?' Deeks asked.

'Kensi's junk food is gone.' Callen said.

'What, how?'

'It was stolen! I would know if I ate it, and I never did!'

'Who do you think stole the candy?' Sam asked.

'I know a way to find out.'

Kensi went up to OPS.

'Nell, please play the security camera on the bullpen from last night.

The video revealed the culprit.


'Callen, Hetty. I suppose you're both wondering why I called you both here.' Kensi said.

'Not really.' Callen said.

'Please take a look at this video.'

She showed them the video of them eating her candy.

'Oh, bugger. I thought that camera didn't work.' Hetty said, looking embarrassed.

'Care to explain why you both decided to break into my desk and eat my junk food?'

It was his idea! It was her idea!' They said in unison.

'Hetty, why don't you start?' Kensi offered.

'I saw Mr. Callen at your desk, he was trying to open it, saying he was hungry. I told him it was a bad idea, but then he pulled out all the candy, I guess I got hungry as well, and ate a few.' Hetty confessed.

'Callen, is this true?'

'Yes, except she ate most of the candy.'

'I did not!'

'Yeah right, you were stuffing down those kit kats down like you were in a contest!'

'And what about you and those Tootsie Rolls, mister?!' Hetty responded.

'All right you 2, stop it! Doesn't matter how much candy either of you ate, what matters is that it's gone. Here's what both of you can do: Buy the candy that you both ate, and leave it on my desk. Sound good?'

'Yeah.' They both said, sounding worried.

The next morning, Kensi saw a bunch of candy on her desk. An odd combination of Tootsie Rolls and Kit Kats. And a note saying 'Very sorry, Miss Blye! H and C'.

'Chuckle. Cuties.' Kensi thought as she put her candy in her desk.

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