Day 8: Lashing Out

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A shrill whistle pierced the air.

'Miss Blye, Mr. Deeks, see me in my office NOW!' Hetty called out.

Kensi and Deeks uncomfortably walked to her office.

'What's this about?' Deeks asked.

'It has come to my attention that there has been a lot of tense air between you and your wife. Don't even try to deny it, I saw you 2 arguing at your desks. Care to explain?'


'2 days ago, we were talking about having a baby, then he ever so slightly hinted that 1 of us should quit working here when that happens. I don't want to be a stay at home mom, and I know Deeks loves working here...' Kensi said.

'You mean, do I love working at a job where I could be killed at any moment and leave my wife a widow and my future child fatherless? Yeah, I guess I do.'

'We've been doing this this job for how many years now? We're still here, aren't we?'

'Yeah, after almost being killed about a dozen times!'

'Excuse me!' Hetty exclaimed.


'Okay. I can tell you both love working here, otherwise you would've quit years ago. But now that you want a child, it's now very complicated?'

'Yes, it is. I know Sam managed to have and raise kids while still working here, but I also still remember his wife being abducted and us not getting to her in time. And I can't go through that with Kensi, and sometimes we don't even know if we'll live to see tomorrow. I'm not saying I want her to quit her job and be a stay at home mom, I'm just not comfortable with knowing that I or she could be killed on the job.' Deeks said.

'Sadly, the risk of dying comes with this job. I've, wanted to quit several times, not just before I had this job either. You want to know why I didn't?' Hetty asked.

'Because you love us?' Deeks said.

'That, and because you can't do this kind of job for so long if you're afraid of dying. And if everyone was afraid of doing this kind of work, bad guys would completely take over this city, there would be no justice for the wronged. Is it okay to have some fear of dying? Yes, but not in a way that prevents you from living your life.' Hetty responded.

'That, is very wise. But what about if you're not sure what to do?' Deeks asked.

'Then you and Kensi figure it out together. I have 1 more question: Do anyone of you still want to work here?'

'Yes.' They both said.

'Then try to work out your issues. You may both go now.'

Kensi and Deeks went home.

'She's right, you know. We've been doing this job for a long time because we want to protect this city. We shouldn't let that stop because we're afraid of leaving a child we don't even know we'll have yet without a parent.' Kensi said.

'I know. I'm very sorry. Forgiveness?' Deeks asked.


They hugged.

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