Day 9: Music

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Kensi and Hetty were having tea and a conversation.

'So, what kind of music do you like?' Kensi asked.

'Well, I would say a variety of classic music. And Lady Gaga.' Hetty answered.

'Do you like to listen to any like, when you're stressed, or having a bad day, or just want to relax?'

'Definitely when I'm stressed, and when I want to relax!'

'Anything that you like to, dance to?' Kensi asked, blushing.

'Oh, nothing embarrassing, dear! I sometimes dance, not in a way that'd be embarrassing enough to go on YouTube, but, I'm actually really good at it!'

'I bet you are. I've never known anyone to be so multi talented like you.'

'Aww, thank you, Kensi!' Hetty responded.

'Maybe we could, go dancing one night?'

'I'd love to!'

'Great! How about tomorrow night?'

'Wouldn't miss it for the world!'

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