Day 12: Therapy

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Nate's office

'Good morning Nell'. Nate said.

'Good morning Nate.' Nell responded.

'You asked for this session because you've had a lot of issues?'

'Yes. It involves my mom and her health problems and how it's affected my job.'


'Last year, my mom had a heart problem. She later had to be incubated for a time being. My dad later had to hire a full time caregiver. My sister took my mom's terminal illness very hard. I took it hard as well. It got to a point where I thought I couldn't do my job anymore, then Hetty told me to take vacation until September, then I would decide whether or not to stay.'

'And do you want to stay at NCIS?'

'Yes, I miss my co workers.'

'And your mom?'

'Could die at any time. And sigh. I can't pause my life forever because she has a terminal illness.' Nell responded.

'When do you plan on returning?'


Okay then!'

Later on

'I heard your mother recently died. I'm so sorry.' Nate said.

'Thank you.' Nell said, with a sad face.

'How have you been doing?'

'Still trying to accept that it happened.'

'How was the funeral?' Nate asked.

'I was basically the only person who wasn't crying uncontrollably. I had to plan the whole thing. If Hetty hadn't helped me, I don't know what I would've done!'

'Was she able to come to the funeral?'

'No, she had an important meeting.'

'Do you still plan on returning to work?'

'One part of me wants to say no. But, the man I know I love works there. And Hetty really helped me when I needed it, so I basically owe her. So, yes. I plan on returning to work before September.' Nell responded.

'Sounds like a plan, and Nell?'


'Things get easier overtime. If Hetty is offering to help you, then let her. The whole team has your back, just let them in.'

'I, will consider that, thank you.'

Nell went home.

Endnote: I wrote another one shot of Nell dealing with her mom's death, It'll be published at the end of this collection.

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