Day 3: Nightmare

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Another night, The same nightmare. Hetty had hoped this would be a peaceful night. But that would not be the case tonight.

'It started out the same, In Vietnam, tied up, being asked questions that she refused to answer, being whipped. Over, and over again. The painful part: She had scars on her back from being whipped 1 month ago...'

Nell had stepped out for 1 to 2 minutes to use the bathroom, was on her way out when she heard yelling and crying from Hetty's room.

Nell ran to her room.

'Hetty? Hetty wake up!'

She sat on her bed, held Hetty in her arms, telling her to wake up.

'Huh? (shaking) Nell?'

'I'm here. I was on my way out when I heard yelling. You were having a nightmare.' Nell responded.

'Oh. I wish you weren't here to see this.'

'Seeing you having a nightmare? And, are you still shaking? Because I think you are! Let me get the covers.'

Wiping a tear off her face, 'Sniff. It's the same nightmare I've had for the past 4 days.'

'Does it involve Vietnam?'

'Yes. I keep flashing back to how I was when Mr. Callen found me. Tied up, being whipped. It goes worse in my mind.'

'Oh. Oh I'm so sorry to hear! If you're being tormented by nightmares so much, why don't you ask someone to stay with you, or talk to Nate?' Nell asked.

'I'm not particularly interested in letting people see my emotional, vulnerable side, and I could barely convince Callen to stop staying over after a week, and I've been seeing Nate for awhile.' Hetty responded.

'Are these nightmares the same or different on different nights?'

'The past 4 nights, it's been the same. But for awhile, it was different. It wasn't ever night, it's on and off.'

'Hetty, you know you can tell one of the team members about this and ask them to stay overnight, right? You don't have to suffer like this! Not that I'm judging you, but, don't you think you've suffered enough?' Nell kindly asked.

'It's not easy for me, okay!' Hetty exclaimed. 'Sorry, sorry! It's not easy for me to open up to people I know about how I'm feeling. I didn't want to show weakness, especially to my own team! The only one I mostly trusted with my feelings was Owen, but he's most likely dead now, so I'm basically alone now. And, since you're here listening to me ramble on, well, I'm embarrassed right now. And, how are you so calm right now?' Hetty said.

'I've had to deal with my emotional sister more then once, so I've had experience. And you DID comfort me 3 and a half years ago after I made my 1st kill, so I'm returning the favor.' Nell responded.

'Well, may I say something?'

'Of course.'

'I'm scared. Scared that these nightmares are going to stick around forever. That I'm always going to wake up yelling and crying, and that someone I don't know will hear me.'

After hearing that, Nell hugged Hetty closer, and said: 'That, was very brave and honest of you to say. I don't know much about nightmares, but I will say that they don't last forever, there WILL be nights where you sleep peacefully!'

'Thank you dear.'

'Can you go back to sleep?'

'I think so.'

'I'll stay with you tonight, no questions.'

'Figured as much. Please put me down now.'

Nell laid Hetty down, and before she could object, tucked her in.

The next morning

'Morning, sleepy head!'

'Mmm. Morning, dear.' Hetty responded.

'Did you sleep well?'

'Surprisingly, yes. I think you being here helped.'

'Glad I could help. I can stay with you longer if you want.'

'That would be nice. And Nell,'


'Can we keep this between us and Mr. Beale? I'm still not comfortable yet of showing my vulnerable side with the team.' Hetty asked.

'Okay.' Nell responded.

Hetty asked Nell if she could stay with her that night as a precaution. She accepted.

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