Day 10: Crying

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Hetty was passing by the burn room when she heard what sounded like crying.


'Oh! Hetty. What a surprise!' It was Nell.

'Nell? Are you okay?' Hetty asked.

'Just, something made my eyes water!' Nell sheepishly responded.

'It's not embarrassing to cry, dear. Please tell me what's up.' She sweetly said.

'I was thinking about my mom again. I really miss her! And I didn't want Eric to see me like this, so I came in here.' Nell's mom had been dead for awhile.

'Oh.' Hetty hugged Nell. 'It's okay, dear. I sometimes cry when I think of my dead loved ones too.'

'You do?'

'In private, of course.' She then let go of Nell.'

'Thanks for that.'

'Anytime! Do you want some tea?' Hetty asked.

'That sounds lovely.'

The next day

Nell went to Hetty's office.

'Hetty?' She looked around, and looked behind the screen behind her desk, Hetty was sitting on the ground with tissues.

'Hetty, are you okay?'

'Sniff. Just, thinking of a dead friend. And how much I miss him.' Hetty said.

Nell sat down next to her. 'Want to talk about it?'

'Not really. Sigh.'

'Want some tea?' Nell asked.

'I guess.'

They got up and sat on her couch.

'Thank you, dear'. Hetty said when Nell got her tea.

'Hey, you stayed and talked to me yesterday when I was having a bad time. I wanted to return the favor.'

'Mmm. I appreciate it.'

'Do you want to talk about why you were behind the screen?'

'Sometimes, that kind of sadness strikes when I'm just sitting behind my desk. And the burn room isn't close by, so. I duck behind that screen for a bit until I feel better.' Hetty responded.


'Again, thank you for being with me today.'

Seeing that Hetty didn't want to talk any further about the subject, 'You're welcome.' And Nell put her arm around her shoulder.

'Ohh!' Hetty smiled at that.

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