Day 4: Anxiety

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'Oh no, not again!' Eric thought as he felt the wave of anxiety coming on.

He didn't want anyone to know that he's been having anxiety issues for a while.

Since Nell left on vacation, he had been feeling the extra pressure that came with working alone (it had been years since he worked alone). He had also been feeling lonely.

Deeks had been trying his best to cheer him up, even giving him hugs. But it hadn't really helped much.

He then took a seat on one of the benches in the hall to calm down.

'Mr. Beale? Everything okay?' Hetty asked.

'Hi Hetty, Just catching a breather.' He responded.

'Work overwhelming? Or just getting some air?'

'A little bit of both.'

'Ah. Mind if I sit with you?' She asked.

'Not at all.'

She sat down next to him.

'I can tell what's been going on. You miss your partner. I miss her too. It's alright to feel extra pressure or loneliness. No one will judge you for it.' Hetty sweetly said.

'It's not just that.'


'I'm, having anxiety attacks. They've been occurring since she left and I don't know what's causing them!' Eric exclaimed.

'Oh. Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I sometimes struggle with anxiety myself, and it's not fun. Do you know what could be causing it?'

'I don't know. Maybe it has to do with her supposidly not trusting me to handle myself during that secret mission? Or that she's probably lost faith in our relationship? I really don't know!'

'Dear, that's not anxiety, that's frustration!' Hetty said.

'Oh. Well, it felt like anxiety. But what do I know?'

'I suggest you either try to talk to her, or talk to Nate. It might help.'

'Thanks, and thank you for talking to me.' Eric said.

'You're very welcome!' Hetty responded.

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