Chapter 39

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Caitlan's POV:

We've just pulled up to a diner. Sam got out to get the food. "See if there's any pie!" Me and Dean shouted through the window. I climbed through to the shotgun seat. "Can you not put your feet on Baby's smooth leather?" Dean scolded. "Dude, you let the car get all dusty, I'm the one that's been taking care of her." I answered back and Dean shrugged.

Me and Dean were jamming and we realised Sam was taking his sweet ass time. We look into the diner and realise it's completely empty. We both rush in and we see a few dead bodies, thankfully none of the bodies were Sam but he's nowhere to be seen! I noticed some sulfur on the window sill and showed Dean. Yellow Eyes was here. We ran outside. "SAM!" We both screamed.

We picked up Uncle Bobby for help and hit the road. I laid in the back as Dean drove. Dean's phone rang, I wasn't really listening to what Dean was saying until he said "Cait we're off to the roadhouse."

We got to the roadhouse but it was burnt down. I hadn't been here since I was a wee girl. Me, Dean and Bobby searched through the rubble to find any possible trace of Ash or Ellen. Dean found Ash's watch which was attached to a charred arm. Oh no. I telepathically talked to Mom. "Hey Momma, do you know anything that's happened to Sam, Ellen or Jo?" I asked. "Sorry baby girl, I've tried to track them but I can't seem to find anything. Stay safe! Love you." Mom replied, "Love you too momma, I will". Mom really doesn't like Sam and Dean, after what happened when they found out Dad traded his life for mine, but she knows how much my brothers mean to me so she would help if she could, for me, not for them.

Dean almost fell over, but I managed to catch him. "Dude, you okay?" I asked. "I just had a vision. I saw Sam and a large bell with an oak tree engraved on it." He said and I grabbed a bottle of water out the impala and handed it to him, he had a wee migraine. Bobby then said that Sam is at Cold Oak, so that's where we headed. I took the keys off Dean and drove, he laid down in the back.

We got to Cold Oak as fast as we could. Sam and this other dude were fighting. "Sam!" Me Dean and Bobby shouted. Sammy turned around but the other dude grabbed a knife and plunged it into Sam's spine. Me and Dean ran like crazy to Sam and Bobby chased the asshole that stabbed my brother. We both fell to our knees and held Sam in our arms. "Don't you die on us you douche." I sobbed but Sam had a small smile on his face whilst he put his large monstrous hand to my face, wiping my tears. Before I knew it, his arm fell to the floor. Me and Dean broke down. Our brother died in our arms. Dean put his arm around me and engulfed me in a hug.

We're in a motel. Dean laid Sam's body on the bed. I just laid on the sofa, completely zoned out and oblivious to what Dean and Bobby were discussing. My eyes sore and puffy from crying. I just stared at the ceiling, feeling broken.

I don't even know how long I was laid on the sofa for, but I saw a huge hand wave in front of my face. I looked and it was Sam. Wait - what? I grabbed some holy water and chucked it on his face. "Dude, it's me. Trust me I'm just as confused as you are." He said. I didn't even process what he said and I flung my arms around him. Sam returned the hug. I then realised Dean and Bobby weren't there. What's my idiot of a big brother done now?

Dean walked in and immediately pulled Sam into a hug. Sam asked what happened, Dean said that he was stabbed but Bobby patched him up. Yeah, I ain't buying it. I glared at Dean knowing he'd done something. "Cait you look exhausted. Why don't you get laid down for a bit?" Sam suggested. I was reluctant at first but my eyes were so droopy.

I woke up to Dean putting me in the impala. "Dude what's going on?" I abruptly asked. "Chill. We're just heading to Bobby's. Oh here, we got you a double bacon cheese burger and fries." Dean handed me a takeout container and I indulged in my food as we drove.

We got to Bobby's and Bobby was just as confused as I was. Nevertheless he showed us his research, he didn't know what it meant but demonic omens has skyrocketed in a certain area, except for a place dead in the centre. Bobby asked Sam to look over his research for clues, and we'd go outside to get more research books.

"Dean what have you done?" Bobby asked. Dean looked at me and then sighed. "I made a demon deal. Sam's life for mine. I've got a year." I'm sorry what? I slapped Dean in the face and broke down. Dean just wrapped his arms around me. I felt him kiss the top of my head. "You would have done the same Cait, you know you would." He whispered. He's right. I would. I looked up and saw a red mark on his face from where I hit him. "I'm sorry" I apologised. "Hey, it's okay." Bobby was absolutely furious, but Dean asked us not to tell Sam. We then heard a noise in the yard, so we snuck up and saw Ellen.

The four of us walked back to Bobby's. Bobby asked Ellen to drink some holy water, to prove she's not possessed or a demon. She drank it in one go then asked for a whiskey. Yup that's Ellen alright. Ellen then looked at me, "bloody hell Caitlan Winchester, you sure as hell have grown since I last saw ya." She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

Ellen then explained that she went out for supplies when Ash called her and told her to look in the safe, but by the time she got back to the Roadhouse, it was on fire and everyone inside it was dead. But since the safe was in the basement, she managed to get to it. She showed us a map that was of Wyoming. Bobby then realised that the marks on the map were all abandoned frontier churches built by Sam Colt. Private rail lines that connected the churches together and we realised that it made a huge iron Devil's Trap, therefore demons won't be able to cross them. In the dead centre of the Trap, there's an old cowboy cemetery, which is odd. Sam then realised that Yellow Eyes needed a gifted kid like Sam to get into the Wyoming Devil's Trap. Looks like we're heading to Wyoming....

The five of us came out from hiding places and appear in front of the douche that stabbed Sam. Oh how I wanna kill him. He looked at Sam shocked and said he was dead because he stabbed his spinal cord. His eyes flashed yellow and then told Ellen to put her gun to her temple, which she did. What sort of Jedi shit is this! He told us all to put our guns down, which we did, he then picked up the colt and inserted it into a strange lock in a crypt. Sammy then grabbed his gun and repeatedly shot him. Atta boy Sammy. But that's the least of our worries, the lock in the crypt was slowly opening and Bobby explains it's a Hellgate. Uh oh, that means demons will be able to enter and leave the cemetery. Dean managed to get the colt and we took cover but it was too late.

Bobby, Ellen and Sam tried to close the Hellgate but me and Dean saw Yellow Eyes, I attempted to use my magic to hold him to his place so Dean could finally shoot him, but he started to demonically strangle me. I was unaware of what was happening around me, I could feel the air leave my lungs. Then I fell to the floor. As I gasped for air, I was pulled up and brought into a hug by someone familiar. I looked up and saw Dad. He must have escaped through the Hellgate! I gasped and he had tears in his eyes and smiled at me. We walked over to Dean who put his arm around me, Dad put his hand on Dean's shoulder and he looked at Sammy and smiled. He then walked backwards and disappeared within a bright light.

Me, Dean and Sam looked over at Yellow Eyes' body. Sam asked Dean if he thinks Dad really climbed out of Hell. "He's stubborn enough" we said simultaneously. "I can't believe it's really over" Sam said quietly. Dean kneeled down next to Yellow Eyes' corpse and said "that's for our mom you son of a bitch!"

I got in the impala and grabbed a bottle of water. I laid down for a couple of minutes until Dean knocked on the window and cocked his head to the trunk of the car. Ellen said that there's a lot of demons that escaped, an army! Bobby looked at me, Sam and Dean and said "you kids better be ready, because the war has just begun!" Dean tossed the colt into the trunk. "We got work to do!" Dean said to me and Sammy. Let the games begin....

Yellow Eyes is finally dead yall! I hope you like this chapter

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