Chapter 28

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Caitlan's POV:

We're in a motel, just finished up a case, but Dad has sent Dean some coordinates. It's been a while since I've seen Mom and I wanna go see her for a few days. "Umm guys?" I said and my brothers looked up. "I kinda wanna go see my Mom for a few days. I know we're gonna be following the coordinates Dad just sent, but I can still help on the case whilst at Mom's". I said and both Sam and Dean looked angry. "You're bailing on us?!" Dean asked standing up. "No of course not! I'd never do that, I just want a few days to go see my mom. Please." I felt myself tear up. "Oh so whilst we're following dad's orders and looking for this demon that killed our mom, you get to spend a few days with yours? Way to rub it in that yours ain't dead Cait!" Sam yelled. "Sammy, you know I-" "just go Cait!" Dean said. I began crying, grabbed my things and slammed the door on the way out.

Rowena's POV:
There's a knock at the door. I wasn't expecting anybody so I looked through the peephole to see Caitlan, crying her eyes out. I opened the door. "Oh my wee girl. What's wrong?" I immediately brought her into a hug and we sat on the sofa. "I had an argument with Sam and Dean. I told em that I wanted to spend a few days with you and they accused me of bailing on em." She sobbed her heart out. "They'll come round babygirl. I promise you." I've never had anything against Sam and Dean, except when I heard about those awful pranks they did to Caitlan when they were kids, but this has really made me not like them two Winchesters. Nothing hurts me more than seeing my baby girl hurt and upset. "How about a cup of tea darling?" I asked as I dried Caitlan's eyes. "Yeah please Momma." She smiled and kissed my cheek.

I made two cups of tea and put them on the coffee table. "Thanks mommy". Cait had a sip of her tea. "You're never too old to have cuddles with mommy, come here baby girl." I said quietly and lifted my arm up and Cait cuddled in. "My brothers hate me." Cait sobbed. "Oh sweetheart. Of course they don't." I put my hand under her chin and lifted her face up. "Your brothers love you darling. They're just being moody bastards." I smiled which made Cait laugh abit. "There's that beautiful smile I know." I wiped my wee girl's tears and kissed her head. "Thanks Momma." "Always darling." After about twenty minutes, I felt light breathing against my chest. I looked down and saw Caitlan had dozed off. I just let her sleep.

A couple days later, I've really enjoyed having Caitlan spend time with me. I'm a 300 year old witch on the run from the Grand Coven, so having my daughter come spend time with me really means the world to me. Cait's phone rang. "It's Dean." She sighed. "It's a what?" Cait asked into the phone. "A shtigra?" Caitlan said confused. I dropped my cup of tea in shock. "Everything is fine. I just knocked my drink over Dean. So you know how to kill it? Great. What?" Cait asked. "Dean look you were a kid. Don't beat yourself up about it. I'm gonna spend few more days with mom then I'll meet you and Sam. And we can talk. Ok bye." Cait put the phone down. "Did you know mom? About the shtigra attack when I was a toddler?" Cait asked. "I did sweetheart." I sighed putting my hand to Caitlan's face. "At least it'll be over soon." Cait said.

We both laid in bed and Cait looked up smiling. "I can't believe you still have this" She pointed up to a dream catcher. "I made it for you darling, I won't part with it. I think you were only five. You were always having bad dreams so I made it for you and conjured some purple wisps so you thought I enchanted it so you'd sleep better." I smiled back at Cait. "You and dad are great parents." Cait held my hand. "Thank you darling." I kissed Caitlan on her head before we both fell asleep.

These past few days with Cait really has cheered me up. She's off to meet back up with her brothers.

Caitlan's POV:

Me and mom embraced each other in a massive hug. I didn't wanna let go and I knew mom didn't either. "Next time you wanna come over babygirl, I don't give a fuck what your brothers say, you get your arse here. Ok?" Mom said crying and putting her hands on each side of my face. I laughed through my tears. "Ok momma." "That's my girl. Love you baby girl" "love you too" mom kissed my head and I kissed her cheek before I left.

I went to the motel that Sam and Dean told me they're at. I knocked and Dean opened the door. Before I could say anything, he pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry for being a douche Cait." He said. "I'm sorry too little sis." Sam said also joining the hug. "No chick flick moments guys." I smiled at my big brothers. "So that mean we're forgiven?" Dean asked. "I suppose so." I smirked before Dean threw me on the bed. Good job I'm light. Then the three of us sat on the bed and just watched some cartoons before looking for the next case. I've missed these two doofuses.

Sorry it's took a while guys! Hope you like this one!

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