Chapter 37

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Caitlan's POV:

Sam and Dean text me the address to come to, saying that they've got a hit on Yellow Eyes. I'm still mega pissed at them, and I know mom hadn't forgiven them either, I doubt she will to be honest.

I got to the motel that my brothers texted me and I knocked on the door. Dean opened the door and I walked in, Sam was sat on a chair. "So what's the lead you got on Yellow Eyes?" I asked. "Fine thanks how are you?" Dean sarcastically exclaimed. "We haven't got a lead yet Cait, we may have lied so we can talk to you." Sam said standing up. Pissed was an understatement right now. "We get it, you're pissed. Look I'm sorry we left you-" Dean started. "And giving me a damn black eye? Oh and saying it should have been me that you burned on that pyre instead of dad? You're my big brothers, you're meant to protect me, not hurt me!" I yelled and broke down. Dean wrapped his arms around me to try calm me down. "We were mega douche bags Cait, we know" Dean had me in a bone crushing hug. "Dude can't breathe" I gasped. "Look, Bobby gave us Hell for what we did Cait. We were giving ourselves it. We're really sorry." Sam said. "You know full well if it was one of you two that was dying on that hospital bed that dad would have traded his life for yours too." I told em. "Will you stick with us then?" Sam gave me the puppy dog eyes. I sighed. "Fine. I'm still mega pissed. But there is one thing you both can do for me." I smirked slightly. "Uh oh. What?" Dean asked. "Take me to see the Rocky Horror show after this hunt, and you gotta dress up." My turn to give the puppy eyes. "Ughhh fine." Sam sighed. Payback is a bitch but I love it.

So me and Dean are in the impala tracking a genie ... apparently. Dean is on the phone to Sam, he stayed at the motel, I ignored the conversation and rested my eyes as Bowie was playing.

Me and Dean are in an abandoned warehouse, hunting a djinn, not a genie. I heard something. "Dude did you hear that?" I asked Dean, who just shrugged. Before I could do anything else, I was slammed to the floor and everything went dark...

I woke up in a bed, one I didn't recognise, but that wasn't exactly my main issue. I felt movement in my stomach. I pulled the covers back and I was pregnant! What the hell? I screamed.  A minute or so later, the door burst open and Mary came in. Wait! Mary?

"What's wrong, honey? The baby coming?" She sounded panicked. "No, I think I just had a nightmare. And maybe hit my head" I said the last bit quietly. Before either of us could say anything, Dean came in. "Breakfast will be ready in a few" Mary said and then left. Dean saw my pregnant ass and started laughing. "Dude it's not funny! We were hunting the djinn then I wake up freaking pregnant!" I whisper shouted. "I woke up to some girl called Carmen! Apparently we're an item. Wait why are you living in my childhood home? With my mom?" Dean asked confused. "How the hell do I know?" I hit him on the head, but we laughed. We're kinda freaked out though.

Me and Dean are sat eating pancakes with Mary. She passed me a glass of orange juice. "Thanks Mary" I smiled. "Cait honey, I've told you, I helped your dad raise you, you can call me mom" she smiled back. "So where's Cait's mom?" Dean asked. "Before your dad's funeral, she wanted Caitlan to move in with her, I told her she was staying here and she hasn't talked to Caitlan since" Mary said and I felt my chest ache. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "You was grieving John, heck we all were and I didn't want to cause you any more stress. John was really looking forward to being a grandpa." Mary added the last part sadly. "What happened to Caitlan's baby daddy?" Dean asked. I kicked him under the table. "Seriously Dean why all the questions? You know Seth was in a car crash and didn't make it. And he was Caitlan's boyfriend." I choked on my juice at that last part.

After breakfast I got dressed. "Hey Umm mom, can I borrow your car?" I asked Mary. "Yeah course, why what's wrong?" Mary asked. "I wanna go clear the air between me and mom." I said and Mary nodded. "Want me to come Cait?" Dean asked. If I ain't having him meet mom in the real world he sure ain't meeting her in this world ... whatever world that is. "No it's alright thanks Dean" I smiled.

I drove to mom's apartment building and knocked on her door. The door opened and mom was stood there. "What are you doing here?" She asked, not very happy. "I wanted to come and see you." I said abit hurt. "Mum who's at the d-" a red haired man a few years older than me stood behind mom. "Your sister Fergus." Wait, that's Fergus? I'm guessing my mom and brother ain't over three hundred years old in this world... "Mary told me what happened before dad's funeral. About how you wanted me to come live with you and Fergus." I said tearing up. "She told me that you didn't want to and that she's more of a mum to you than I am." Mom said, tearing up. "I'd never say that. You've been an amazing mom to me, I want you and Fergus in mine and my baby's lives." Oh great hormones kicking in, I'm crying like hell. Mom brought me into a hug. "I'm sorry sweetie, I should have talked to you instead of just cutting you off" Mom cried. I smiled and wiped her tears. "Bring it in sis" Fergus smiled and then hugged me, then I felt movement, again. Jeez was I this active when mom was pregnant with me?

I sat and had a cup of tea with mom and Fergus, then my phone rang. It was Sammy. "Hey Sammy" I smiled. "We're at the restaurant where are you?" He sounded angtsy - "huh?" I asked. "Mom's birthday meal? Ring a bell?" Uhhh nope? "I'll be there soon." I replied. I said bye to mom and Fergus and gave them a hug before heading to the restaurant.

I reached the restaurant and everyone was there. Including Jessica. Sam looks really happy, which I really am glad about. We all ate, the food was pretty good. Sam then announced that he and Jessica are engaged. I'm so happy for em. Apparently in this world Sam and Dean ain't close, me and Sam are though (well we were anyway). Dean pushed past Sam and walked to some other part of the restaurant. Myself, Mary, Carmen, Sam and Jess were looking at him confused.

We all got back to the Winchester residence. "I'm heading up to bed" I yawned. I gave Mary a goodnight kiss on the cheek, Sam, Dean, Jess and Carmen a hug each and headed up to bed.

I woke up to rustling and talking downstairs so I went to check it out. It was Sam and Dean. "I'm heading out Cait" Dean whispered as he put a silver knife away. "I'm coming with ya" I said. "Like hell you are!" Both Sam and Dean responded. "Cait you're pregnant, you should be resting" Sam's tone softened. I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen for a glass of milk.

Mary then came in. "You ok honey?" She asked sitting down. "Why did you tell my mom that I said you were more of a mom to me than she was?" I asked and her face fell. "Me and John always wanted a daughter. One night we had an argument and he went godknows where, got drunk and that's where he met your mother. Then nine months later you came along. I wasn't exactly happy that he had a daughter with another woman, but I saw you and grew to love you like my own. There was no animosity between me and your mother." Mary told me. "Then why tell her that I said you were more of a mom to me when I didn't even say that?" I asked. "I didn't wanna lose you." She said tearing up. I felt pain in my stomach. "Umm I think the baby is coming" I groaned in pain. "Let me call an ambulance" Mary said panicked. "No time" I groaned again, Mary looked and said the baby was crowning ... great. I was pushing til I heard a baby's cry "it's a boy!" Mary happily exclaimed. Next thing I know I feel blood seeping out...

I woke up to someone hitting my face. "Come on Cait stay with me" I groggily opened my eyes and we were in the djinn's lair. Dean was chained up next to me. Sam cut us both down but I blacked out again...

I immediately sat up and realised we were back in the motel. "Woahhh easy tiger" Dean put his hand on my shoulder. I laid back and relaxed. I looked down at my stomach, not pregnant. I sighed. "Yeah there's no pregnant belly this time sis" Dean smirked. "You remember?" I laughed. "Course I did, plus Sam thought it was funny when I told him too" Sam smirked. I threw a cushion at my brothers and laughed.

"Dude no way! Not happening" Dean came out the bathroom dressed as Frank-N-Furter - the wig, makeup, corset, fishnets and of course the heels. I stifled a laugh. I'm dressed as Magenta. Then Sammy came out. "Atleast you have clothes!" He said annoyed. He was dressed as Rocky, yup just a gold Speedo. "You promised" I gave them both the puppy dog eyes. They both sighed and groaned, then we headed to the car.

When we got to the theatre, just about everyone was dressed up so we fit in fine. But Sam and Dean didn't like the costumes. I was trying so hard not to laugh. But hey, they did promise!

Ok here's a longish one for ya guys! I know I said it'd be the demise of Yellow Eyes (ha rhyme!) but I've had the djinn idea for a while so hope ya like it 💜

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