Chapter 13

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Caitlan's POV:

Ouch! I landed on my back. "Mommy?" I looked around and I don't know where I am. Some kids that looked around my age, came up to me. "Where'd you get that?" They pointed at my necklace mommy gave me for my first birthday. She told me it's got a photo of us both in it but only we can open it, nobody else. "My mommy gave me it." I put my hand on it protectively. "I bet we'll get some good money for that." One of them snatched it from my neck. I started crying. But before anything else happened, they screamed in pain and dropped it. I put it back on - mommy put a spell on it so that whoever tries to steal it, gets burned. The boys and girls started beating me up. "Stop please!" I sobbed in pain.

They all left and another boy came up to me. "Please don't hurt me." I flinched. "I won't hurt you." "Where am I?" I whispered. "Wait you don't know? You're in Poland. It's 1670." "No. I can't be. I was with my mommy a few minutes ago." I sobbed. "What's your name? I'm Oskar." "C-Caitlan." I cried. "Come on, you look like you've got some broken bones. Let me take you to see someone. She can help." Oskar helped me up and took me to his home.

"Mother, father, Aunt Rowena. I need help." He shouted as we went in. Wait... did he just say my mommy's name? Sure enough, a man and woman came out, and another woman that looked exactly like mommy. "What's happened?" Mommy asked. "Well she got bullied and beat up, I couldn't leave her out there so I thought you could help her Aunt Rowena." Oskar and his parents left the room and mommy (I think) took me to her room. "What's your name sweetie?" She asked. "Caitlan." "That's a beautiful name. Where are your parents though?" "Y-you won't believe me." I said quietly. "Try me." I took my locket off and gave her it. Mommy opened it. She looked surprised. "Is this some sort of joke?" I felt myself tear up again and shook my head. "You're my mommy. Well in future. I was born 1987. I don't know how I got here though." "It can't be true." Mommy didn't believe me. "I pomise. You gave me this neckace on my first birfday. Only you and me can open it. I was with future you in your home but I got sent back somehow. I know you a witch because I witch too. And you told me I have a big brother called Fergus."

1670 Rowena's POV:

How can this be true? I have a daughter? I'd call it bluff but she's only a wee girl. And I've told nobody about Fergus. The photo is of me and her, apparently. But even looking at her and on the photo, she looked like me in so many ways. I obviously helped her get better, from the bullies beating her and her fall. "You don't believe me?" She sobbed. I sighed and brought her into a hug. "Wait. I can prove it!" She said suddenly. She lifted her dress up, to show a birth mark, which looked exactly like mine on my stomach and it's in the same place. "I know you not my mommy from these days because I shouldn't be existing. But you powerful witch. You nearly three hundred in future and you still look as bootiful as you do now." I felt my heart warm up. Maybe she is telling the truth. Then I remember reading about something, about Time Travel Demons. I summoned one. "Tell me the truth. Is this my daughter and did you take her from the future?" He wouldn't answer. I tortured him. "Ok ok. Yes!" This is my baby girl? Wait I'm gonna be a mom at three hundred? But I'm not a great mom, I tried to sell Fergus for three pigs for Christ sake! "You gotta take her back to the future!" I shouted and he agreed. "I'll see you back in the future sweetheart." Caitlan gave me a hug. "Love you mommy." I felt myself tear up, before the demon took her.

Present Day Rowena's POV:

It's been two hours! Where's my baby girl! Then I heard, "mommy?" I ran like crazy to the living room, sure enough it's my Cait. But with someone, he must be the one that took her. "Who are you?" I asked. "A time travel demon." I started torturing him. I immediately lifted my baby girl. "I met you in 1670 Mommy! You didn't believe I was your baby girl. But I showed her - you, my birth mark and my locket. Oskar took me to you." She told me. Wait did she just say Oskar? "I wiped your memory of her in 1670." The demon screamed. "You took my baby girl!" I yelled and killed him. "Are you okay baby?" I sat down cuddling Cait, and she nodded. She told me everything that happened, the bullies, Oskar and of course me. Although I can't remember (well obviously I had my memory wiped), I still feel awful for upsetting my wee girl. "I'm sorry sweetie." I said quietly. "Nah mommy, I shouldn't have been sent there. I didn't exist then. You wouldn't believe me. Don't be sowwy." She kissed my cheek and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you mommy." She whispered. "I love you too baby. So much." "Mommy who is Oskar?" Cait asked confused. "Well his family took me in and gave me shelter sweetie. He started to call me Aunt Rowena and as a thank you, I granted him immortality when he became an adult. I've not seen him in a long time though." "What does that mean mommy?" She asked. "Immortality? It means living forever sweetheart." "Awesome." She smiled, I chuckled.

Cait rested her head on my lap, I wrapped her up in a blanket. "I wish me daddy Sam and Dean could live here with you mommy. I don't like it when I have to be away from any of you." It breaks my heart when Cait has to go. Then an idea hit me. "Tell you what. When daddy and the boys come back, I'll talk to daddy and see what he says about staying here until each hunt comes up. And you can stay here. When you're old enough you can go with them?" Caitlan had the biggest smile, sat up and gave me a huge hug. "I'm glad you're my mommy." She whispered. "Me too baby girl. And I'm glad you're my wee girl." I kissed her head. "No matter how old I am mommy, I'll always be your wee girl." She smiled up at me. "Oh I know that sweetie. Nothing will ever change that."

Let me know what you think of this chapter guys!

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