Chapter 11

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Johns POV:

So Rowena and Caitlan have been discharged from hospital and we can take our little girl home ... kinda. I'm gonna stay a few days with Rowena and Cait. I called a fellow hunter and friend of mine, Ellen to take the boys to her roadhouse. I called Dean to let him know.

I drove the three of us to Rowena's. I carried Caitlan inside. "Why don't you go rest for a bit Rowena? I'll look after Cait." I suggested. "You sure?" "Positive. Even when you're almost 300 years old, sleep is still important. Especially after giving birth." I smiled and Rowena kissed Cait gently on her head before going to lay down.

Cait was fast asleep so I gently placed her in her basket. I got my journal out and wrote in it:

Wow I got a baby girl. She's absolutely beautiful. I can't help but feel guilty slightly because me and Mary talked about how much we'd love to have a daughter. Taking her to play group together like we did with Sam and Dean. I do feel really awful but it ain't Caitlan's fault. Nothing will stop me from loving her as I have with Sam and Dean. Mary I am really sorry. Caitlan is my baby girl, if you were still here we probably would have had the chance to have a baby girl together, but Caitlan is a Winchester and I wouldn't change her for the world. I love her so damn much and she'll be raised as a hunter along with Sam and Dean, it ain't the lives I want for them, but as each year passes I promise you I will kill whatever killed you. No matter how long it takes, I will avenge you I promise. Although she ain't your daughter, please watch over her as well as our boys. I miss and love you always Mary.

Cait woke up crying about half an hour later. "It's ok baby daddy's here." I lifted her out of her basket and cradled and cuddled her. "You hungry sweetheart?" I whispered. I got her bottle out and fed her her milk. She gulped it down, bless her. "Wow you were hungry weren't you." I whispered and smiled. I slowly lifted Cait up so I could help her let out wind. She let out a loud burp. "You could give Dean a run for his money." I chuckled.

For a good twenty minutes, I just sat there cuddling my baby girl before Rowena came down. "I couldn't sleep." She sighed and sat next to me. "Wanna go to mommy?" I said and handed Cait over to Rowena.

Rowena cuddled Cait and after about 5 minutes, Cait puked. "Lovely sweetie." Rowena said covered in our daughters vomit. "Been a while?" I smirked. "Just a wee bit." Rowena smiled. She got herself and Cait cleaned up.

To be honest, Cait slept quite well through the night. She woke up crying about 2:30am for a diaper change and feed. Me and Rowena shared the bed, nothing happened obviously. We tried putting Caitlan back in the crib when she settled, but she kept crying so we put her in the bed with us.

Two days later...

So it's time for me to head back to the boys. I'm gonna miss my baby girl so fucking much. "Have a cuddle with daddy before he goes baby girl." Rowena handed Cait over and I sat on the sofa cuddling my baby girl. "I'm gonna miss you so much darling." I whispered. I felt myself tear up slightly. Before giving Caitlan back to Rowena, I kissed her gently on the head. "I love you so much darling. Go back to mommy baby girl."

I headed outside to the impala and got in. Rowena stood at the door holding our baby girl. She gently waved Cait's arm to me. I blew a kiss to Cait before starting the impala and driving off.

Rowenas POV:

John has just left. "Just me and you sweetie pie." I looked down at Caitlan, who just gazed up at me.

We went back inside and it was coming up to midday so I got Caitlan a bottle sorted and laid in bed. "There's so much evil in this world that I wish I could protect you from darling." I said quietly as I fed her. Obviously I am a witch and clearly evil in some aspects, but for my wee girl, I'd kill anyone and anything. When I had my first child, Fergus, I wasn't exactly mother of the century. But my baby girl, she's my everything. There'll be so many monsters out there that would try to hurt her. But me and John will do everything we can to keep her safe.

My wee girl dozed off. I didn't wanna disturb her, so I wrapped her up in her blanket, and laid her down against my chest. I gently stroked her cheek as she snoozed away. "My wee beauty." I whispered and kissed my little girl on her head. I cuddled my baby girl as she snoozed away. Her adorable face scrunched up as she yawned. She's so damn beautiful. I gently lifted her up higher so she laid in between the crook of my neck. I smiled as I could feel her small breathing against my neck. I kissed my baby girl's cheek before dozing off myself.

That's this chapter guys! I hope you like it.

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