Chapter 24

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Caitlan's POV:

So we've pulled up to a house. We believe this monster is a Rawhead. Dean told me to wait outside, I think it's to do with my experience that happened when I was 4.

Sam and Dean ran in and I waited outside next to the impala. Not long after, two kids ran out, they were petrified. "Hey it's ok. We'll get you back with your mommies soon ok?" I crouched down to their levels, and they nodded. Sam then came out, with an unconscious Dean. "He killed it. But they were in water and Dean got electrocuted." Sam told me. Shit. We gotta get Dean to the hospital.

At the hospital, the parents of the missing kids picked them up, they thanked us for saving them. I sat next to Dean (who was in a hospital bed) whilst Sam tried to sort out insurance and police. Sam came in. "Dude have you ever watched daytime tv?" Dean asked. "It's terrible" I rolled my eyes. The Doctor came in and told us that Dean suffered a massive heart attack, and they think he won't last. Fuck. Dean threw the keys for Baby to Sam. "No no." Sam said. "Dean we'll figure it out. But why does he get Baby?" I smirked through tears. Dean grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "No chick flick moments sis."

Back at the motel, Sam was trying to find a solution. So I tried calling dad. Voicemail great. "Hey Dad. Umm Dean had a heart attack from a Rawhead killing. Look we need you. Please." I said tearfully. Before we could do anything else, the door swung open. "Dude what the hell are you doing?" I asked Dean who stumbled in. "I ain't dying in that place." He said. "I think I've found a specialist that can help." Sam said hopeful.

We got to Nebraska and there were loads of people outside and going inside a huge tent. There were protesters too. "Oh hell no Sammy." I said. He gave me his bitch face. "I'm with Cait, you said you found a doctor" Dean said. I just blanked em both out. We met someone called Layla and we headed inside.

I mean with what we deal with everyday, I shouldn't be so sceptical, but I dunno. I just have a bad feeling. Sam made us sit near the front, Dean on the aisle seat. The faith healer, Roy, came up on stage and started giving a speech. Well, Dean being Dean, he made a snide comment and that got him on stage. He placed his hands on Dean's head and he collapsed to the floor. I had a really bad feeling about this but after a minute Dean woke up.

We went to the hospital to get Dean checked out, it turned out the healing worked. But a young man died of a heart attack the day Dean was healed. I guess it's time to talk to Roy and his wife.

Me and Dean went to talk to Roy and Sam went to check the body. Roy said that he woke up one day blind with cancer and that he prayed to be cured, which lead to him being in a coma and he was cured when he woke. Roy also said that he chose Dean because he had a purpose and a future.

On the way out, we saw Layla and her mother. "For months we've come to get Layla healed. Why do you deserve to be chosen?" Her mom snapped at Dean. "I'm sorry. I uh have a tumour and we've been coming hoping to get healed." Layla said sadly. Shit. "I'm so sorry." I said to her and her mom, who just walked off, avoiding eye contact with Dean.

We got back to the motel. However, Sam was already back and him and Dean had another body to check. So I just sat in the motel room. I couldn't stop thinking about Layla and her mother. I really felt for them. I texted mom to call me. She knows that by "call" I mean to telepathically talk. I can't do my magic because I don't have any supplies, since my brothers would be suspicious. "Hey baby girl what's wrong?" Mom asked. "So there's this girl who's got a tumour, her and her mom have gone through enough already. She has six months to live. Can you do a spell to remove her tumour? Please?" I asked and mom replied, "of course sweetheart. You really have a heart of gold you know that? It'll take a while, but I'll tell you when it's completed." "Thanks Momma, love you." "Love you too darling."

It turns out it's a Reaper we're dealing with so we're heading back to the Le Grange household. Sam is gonna see if he can find a spell book to break the spell that's binding the reaper. Roy called up Layla to be healed. Oh shit. Dean pleaded with her not to go up, I could see the hurt in her face and went up. But she's gonna be healed just not this way. Dean then shouted out a fire call. Then I saw something, it was Sue Ann that's controlling the reaper using a Coptic cross. Dean saw and I ran out. Sam went to try and find Sue Ann to break the cross. I just stood about outside the tent.

I saw both Dean and Layla collapse. Mom communicated to me. "She's cured babygirl." "Thanks Momma." I smiled to myself and I saw Sam break the cross and the reaper killed Sue Ann. I saw Layla and her mother, both looking disappointed. "Hey, umm this may seem strange but I have a good feeling. I have faith that you've healed." "How? The healing didn't work?" Layla's mom said. "Miracles can happen. Can you make an appointment with your doctor for first thing in the morning for a scan? Even I'll come with you." Layla looked at her mom and nodded. They both hugged me. "I hope you're right." Layla said.

The next morning, Sam and Dean were still asleep and Layla and her mom were there waiting next to their car. We got to the doctors room and we were in straight away and the doctor got on with the scan. "Wow. You're all clear Layla. There's no tumour at all." The doc said. "Y-you're sure?" Layla's mom asked. The doctor turned the screen around and there was no tumour visible.

We left the doctors office and both Layla and her mom broke down in tears and hugged me. "Thank you." They both whispered and we headed back to the motel.

Back at the motel, Sam and Dean were packing the impala. Me and Layla exchanged numbers to keep in touch and I went to help pack the car whilst Dean talked to Layla. After our goodbyes, we went for breakfast and hit the road. "Ok how did you get her healed?" Sam asked suspiciously. "Just have faith Sam." I smirked but they didn't let it go. "Caitlan tell us now!" Dean snapped. I sighed, "ok look. My mom and dad agreed for the safety of everyone, you two didn't know. My mom isn't human. She's a witch. You did know her, but she removed your memory of her because it got too dangerous at one point. I asked her to use her magic to heal Layla." I said. "You're half witch?" Sam asked in disbelief. I nodded. "Why couldn't you have her heal me Cait?" Dean asked. "At the time I didn't think of it Dean. I'm so sorry. And I'm sorry that you wasn't told about me being a witch." I felt myself tear up. "Hey it's ok, you're our baby sis. You're a Winchester. Witch or not. We love ya Cait. Nothing will change that." Dean smiled at me. "Wait. That case in Lake Manitoch-" Sam started. "Yep" I cut him off. "But we can't let anyone else know. I can use my magic to help on cases but it'll have to be discretely. And I can't tell you who my mom is, for hers and your safeties." I told them and they nodded. "Bitches" "Jerks" "Douches" we all smirked. "Just be careful babygirl" mom telepathically communicated to me. "Always Momma. Back at ya." I replied. I dunno what I'd do without my pain in the ass two dorks of big brothers.

Ok I wanted to go against the storyline abit so that Layla could get healed, coz that part always got to me. And I had to figure a way for Cait to explain to Sam and Dean. I hope y'all like it though!

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