Chapter 45

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Caitlan's POV:

Sam and Dean must have headed out whilst me and Pepper were asleep. Pepper woke up a couple minutes after me. "Hey sis. How about we get ready, go check out that toy store across the street for some games and go get breakfast?" I smiled and Pepper's face lit up the room.

We got dressed and headed to the toy store. Pepper held my hand and was smiling non stop. I've got some money from poker games I've done myself so I wanna spoil my sis abit. "Okay, what would ya like?" I smiled. Pepper gasped and pointed at Checkers, Cluedo, Snakes and Ladders, a Scooby Doo teddy and another teddy. She had a sad smile on her face and said "Salty." I realised that must have been her partner. So I quickly communicated to Mom. "Hey Momma, reckon you can come up with a spell to  bring some dead people back? Pepper's partner Salty and her other family members from the Show she was part of?" Mom instantly replied. "Absolutely, it'll take me a couple weeks, but I'll definitely do it." I smiled. "Oh could you maybe bring back her nephew Lucas too? I'll adopt him as my own son. Oh I heard Pepper's family from the show was part of a museum, make sure we get our revenge Momma - and on the judge that sentenced Pepper. Nobody deserves to be treated like that." "Leave it to me sweetheart. Love you." "Love you too momma."  I bought the toys and games for Pepper and we headed to the diner.

We sat down (Pepper cuddling her teddies) and the waitress came over. "What can I get you lovelies?" She smiled and Pepper said "Pancakes! Bacon! Chocolate milk! Please" I smiled and said "me too please." I then got Checkers out and we started to play. Pepper looked up and broke down in tears. "Woah. Sweetheart, what's wrong?" I instantly got up and wrapped my arms around her. She sobbed and pointed at an elderly couple looking at us. "They. Blamed. Me." She broke her heart crying. The elderly couple approached us, angrily. I realised this is Pepper's sister and brother-in-law that abused her. "You have no right being here." I stood in front of Pepper protectively. "That freak should be dead. She should have died in Briarcliff long ago." The man snapped. "She killed our baby." The woman fake sobbed. People were looking. "Who are you anyway?" The man asked. "I'm her sister. Her real sister. And what you're saying is bullshit. And you know it. You're the ones that abused Pepper and you killed your baby and blamed it on her due to her condition." I snapped back and people gasped. "How dare you!" The man claimed. But they looked guilty. So I punched them both in their faces and bust their noses. "That's for hurting my sister and calling her a freak." People were cheering. The waitress came over and said "I'm going to have to ask you both to leave." She said to the couple and they both stormed out. I went back and wrapped my arms around Pepper. "Hey, it's okay. I'll never let anyone hurt you again." I kissed Pepper's cheek and she cuddled into me. "I love you" Pepper whispered. "I love you too honey, so much." I whispered back. Then the waitress brought our breakfast. I cut up Pepper's pancakes for her and she calmed down and indulged. We then resumed our game of Checkers. Pepper kicked my butt at the game and she thankfully cheered up. The waitress said that our meals were on the house. I smiled and thanked her.

As we left, I noticed an abandoned crossroad a wee bit behind the diner. An idea hit me. "I got an idea honey." I smiled and we went to the crossroad. Nobody saw us as we went and I summoned a crossroads demon. I brought Pepper into a hug as we waited. Then a demon in a black suit, he was pretty short and had brown hair. "This deal better be worth the King of the Crossroads' time. The name is Crowley." He announced in an English accent. Pepper giggled. "Let's cut to the chase. I'm not gonna trade my soul and do the ten year crap. I'm a witch so I'll be resurrected anyway. But the two souls you'd be taking belong in Hell." I informed Crowley. "Interesting deal. And what exactly have they done?" Crowley asked intrigued. "Killed. Nephew. Blamed. Me." Pepper said sadly. I wrapped my arm around her and gave her a hug. Crowley looked sympathetic towards Pepper. "Who'd have thought I'd have made a deal, one that I don't usually make, with a Winchester. You've got a deal. I guess we should seal it." Crowley sighed and walked towards me. "You better pucker up." He smirked and we sealed the deal. Usually, demons disappear after they make the deal but Crowley grimaced. "I don't know why, but it felt like I just kissed my mother. Bleh. And what a bitch she was. Handshake next time I think. Oh give me your phone, and I'll give you mine, so we can add each other's numbers so I can let you know when it's done." I handed Crowley my phone and he handed me his. We put each other's number in. "Until next time, Sabrina" Crowley smirked and disappeared. Pepper looked confused. "Sabrina?" I smiled and said "he's referring me to Sabrina the Teenage Witch." Pepper smiled and we headed back to the motel room.

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