Chapter 30

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Okay this one is a flashback chapter. I kinda realised I fucked up with Rowena's home etc - jumping from a house to apartment but I'm gonna stick with apartment. Also Caitlan is 4 y/o, and this is before John Caitlan and the boys move in with Rowena. Hope you enjoy!

John's POV:
I've just finished a vengeful spirit hunt. The boys are at Bobby's and Cait is at Rowena's. I told the boys before the hunt that when I'm done I'd be back at Bobby's the next day and going to Rowena's for the night instead of getting there at god knows what time.

I'm not far from Rowena's apartment. I'm excited to see my baby girl.

Rowena's POV:
Me and Caitlan have been practicing a wee bit of magic. It's tired her out though bless her. She dozed off about twenty minutes ago.  I wrapped her up in a blanket on the sofa, her teddy cuddled in her arms. My wee beauty.

There was a knock at the door. It was John's knock to let us know it's him. I looked at Caitlan panicked, thinking she'd wake up but she just snoozed away. I went to the door and opened it, it was indeed John. I put my finger to my lips before he could say anything. "Cait's asleep." I whispered. John nodded and came in.

After about ten minutes, Caitlan woke up. Her face lit up seeing John. "Daddy!" John lifted her up and spun her around. "I missed you too baby girl." He chuckled. "Daddy, can you teach me to play poker?" Cait asked John. "I most certainly can. I've got a deck of cards in my bag." John got his cards out and both him and Cait sat on the floor. John taught Caitlan all about the different hands and how many cards to hold etc, and how to keep a game face so she doesn't give away if she's got a good hand. "You think you got that?" John asked. "Does Dean like pie?" Cait replied cheekily. John was speechless and I felt myself smirk a bit. He dealt out the cards and Cait looked at hers. Her face showed no emotion, then when they showed each other their cards, Cait had a much better hand than John. "Is this a good hand daddy?" She asked. "H-how?" John stuttered. Cait looked at me smiling. I may have taught her how to use her powers and how to cheat. "You taught her to cheat with her powers didn't you Rowena?" John asked. I just winked at him. "You can't cheat babygirl." John told her but Cait pouted. "But it's not like anyone would notice I switched my cards by magic. You win people all the time. It's not like they know I'm a witch and they can't see my cards anyway, so they don't know my hands." Cait shrugged. "You mean hand babygirl. And when did you become so sassy?" John asked her. "I take after mommy." Cait said with a big smile. I chuckled. "Also how do you know I hustle people Cait?" John asked our wee girl. "Dean told me" she shrugged. John laughed. "Oh daddy! Can I show you mine and mommy's new pictures?" Cait got up excitedly and took hold of John's hand and took him to my desk. I have several photos and portraits on my wall and desk. On my wall is a huge portrait of myself, next to it is a slightly smaller portrait of me and Cait - taken a week or so after she was born. There's a picture on my desk of Fergus, I have several photos and paintings scattered everywhere of my wee girl. The most recent photos are of me and Cait in matching red dresses. The first one is Cait sat on my knee and we're both smiling at the camera. The other one is me and Cait smiling at each other. My wee girl is a mix of looking like me and John, but she has my smile without a doubt. "What do ya think daddy?" Cait asked a wee bit impatient and excited. "You look gorgeous as always baby girl, so does mommy." John smiled and lifted Cait up. Caitlan squealed and gave her dad a hug.

"Okay, it's coming up to dinner time. How about we go to a diner?" John suggested. "Can I get pie afterwards?" Cait asked. "Course ya can." John smiled. We got our coats on and headed out.

We got to a table and looked at a menu. A waitress came over. "Can I get you a kids menu sweetheart?" She asked Cait. "No thank you, can I have a bacon cheeseburger and fries and a chocolate milkshake please?" Cait asked. The waitress looked at me and John, for assurance and we both nodded. "You sure can. And what can I get for the adults?" "I'll have bacon cheeseburger and fries too please but with coffee" John said. "Can I have a lasagne and a cup of tea please?" I asked. "Coming right up." The waitress smiled and walked off. "You looking forward to seeing Sam and Dean tomorrow sweetheart?" I asked. "Yeah mommy, gonna miss you though." Cait pouted. Oh my heart. "I'll miss you too babygirl." I rested my hand on her head and she got up onto my knee and gave me a kiss. "Why don't you come with us Rowena?" John suggested. "Yeah mommy please! Can she really daddy?" Cait got excited. "Course she can babygirl!" John said. "Looks like I don't have a choice" I winked at my wee girl and she gave me a big hug.

The waitress came back with our  food and we tucked in. Cait enjoyed her burger and fries. When the waitress came back she was shocked to see Caitlan's plate empty. "Can I get you any dessert? We have amazing pecan pie." At the mention of pie Cait's head shot up and she gave John her puppy dog look. "Three slices please" John chuckled. The waitress left and came back with three slices. "Thank you." We replied. We enjoyed the pie and Cait's face and hands were all sticky. I took her to the ladies room to get cleaned up. "There we are my wee girl, nice and clean" I bopped her nose and her face scrunched up in a cute smile.

Me and John got Cait ready for bed, but she ended up throwing up everywhere. "I'm sorry mommy." Cait choked. "Hey look at me baby girl. You're poorly, don't apologise." I said quietly. John got Cait a bucket. "Th-thank you daddy" Cait puked more into the bucket and John cleaned up the puke off the furniture, I gently rubbed Cait's back. "Looks like a sleepless night. Did you wanna take the couch John since you're driving tomorrow?" I asked. "Not a chance, I'll be fine".  John smiled slightly. I carried Cait to bed and John carried the bucket.

It's fair to say that we had a rocky night, Cait spent the night puking and didn't get to sleep until about 5am. Me and John stayed awake all night. She kept apologising for keeping us awake. For a four year old, she's got the biggest heart. Me and John agreed we'll set off to Bobby's about midday, so atleast we get a few hours sleep. I moved some strands out of Cait's face as she slept and John gently rubbed her belly to help soothe her pain. Not long after we dozed off ourselves.

Me and John woke up about 10am, we left Cait to sleep. Once we got everything packed we woke Cait up and got her dressed. "Do you wanna try anything to eat baby girl?" I asked her. "Can I try a banana please mommy?" Cait yawned. John got her a banana but she could only manage a couple of bites bless her. We packed the car and instead of putting Caitlan in her carseat I sat in the back with her and she laid down. We brought the bucket just in case.

Cait puked a bit once or twice but she mainly slept through the car ride. So did I. But me Cait and John are still really tired.

We got to Bobby's and I carried Cait in. I put her on the sofa and Sam and Dean immediately ran down. "Hi boys!" Cait smiled through her pain. "You ok Cait?" Sam asked. "Been puking Sammy" Cait pouted. "Been up all night haven't we baby." John yawned as he came in and Cait nodded. "Ohhh want a quick game of poker before I go for a nap?" Cait smiled. "You? Play poker?" Dean laughed. Cait pouted and John gave Dean the cards. Dean dealt them between him Sam and Cait, oh this is gonna be good. The three revealed their cards and Cait had the best hand. "H-how?" Both Sam and Dean stuttered and Cait smiled. "You got hustled by a four year old boys" Bobby laughed. "Dad you gotta let Cait hustle a few people next
time you're at a bar." Dean said excitedly. "Uh I don't think so Dean." John said sternly. "Dean she's four. I don't feel comfortable if we used Cait's magic for money. When she's older." I told Dean. Cait started yawning. "I think that's our cue for a nap." John yawned which led me to yawn. I carried Cait upstairs and me her and John got in bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

That's this flashback guys! Hope y'all like it - ps I didn't include any poker talk much as I don't understand it much myself

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