Chapter 31

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John's POV:

Cait is napping on the bed, she's been up most the night feeling shit. I'm sharing my research of the past twenty years with Sam and Dean. I've told them the signs that I've discovered. Sammy felt guilty for both Mary and Jess, but me and Dean won't let him wallow. I've noticed the signs are showing in Salvation, Iowa so that's where we're heading next. Me, Sam and Dean sorted everything out and put them in the impala and truck. I carried Cait to the truck and wrapped my leather jacket over her to keep warm.

Caitlans POV:
I woke up to the truck door slamming. I looked up and dad wasn't in his seat so I got out. Dad Sam and Dean were talking. "What's happened?" I asked. Dad looked like he was a mix of hurt and anger. "Pastor Jim is dead Cait." Sam told me. Shit. I've met Pastor Jim a few times, he was a really good friend of Dad's. "This ends... now... I'm ending it. I don't care what it takes" Dad said trying not to explode. Me dad and Dean drove to a motel and Sam went to the medical centre to check infants turning six months old to try and figure out the demon's next target.

We got to the motel. "How you feeling Cait?" Dean asked. "Shit still." I told him, my stomach and head have been killing me. "Go lay down sweetheart." Dad told me. He's calmed down a wee bit but not a lot.

I laid down and I felt myself doze back off. Then I woke up to yelling ... again. "What's going on?" I mumbled. "We have a better chance at winning the lottery than getting a hold of you dad!" Dean shouted. Ugh, I'm gonna get some painkillers. "You're right. I'm sorry" dad said. Then Sam's phone rang. It was Meg. "I don't know where my dad is" Sam said, but then Dad took the phone. "This is John." I tuned out, until dad said he'd meet her at midnight in Lincoln. "Wait what?" Dad said, he then looked at me and took the phone from his ear so we could hear. "As well as the colt, we get the witch too. Your daughter." Meg said. Dad Sam and Dean looked horrified, then dad said "deal". I broke down. Sam and Dean were shouting at dad for agreeing to put me in the trade. "For gods sake boys! Do you really think I'd actually hand over the colt or even your sister over? For the colt, we get a substitute that looks exactly like the real one, as for Cait, she comes with me but I won't let them take her." Before Sam or Dean could say another word, I said "I'm in".

Sam and Dean didn't argue and went to an antique store to pick up a colt replica, and I put together a couple hex bags whilst dad packed the things we needed. Dad then sat next to me. He put his hand to my face and I looked at him.   "Caitlan darling, I'd never let them take you. You know that?" He wiped my tears and I nodded. Dad wrapped his arms around me. "I know you're 19 but you're still and always will be my baby girl." I looked up at dad. "I'm sorry about Caleb and Pastor Jim dad." Dad wiped the rest of my tears. "It's ok baby girl, we'll get that demon bitch that did it. How you feeling anyway?" "A wee bit better." I smiled.

Sam and Dean came back and gave dad the fake colt. We told each other not to throw our lives away and we're no good to each other dead. I gave my big brothers a hug before getting into dad's truck. Dad put the heat on and told me to get some rest as it's a long drive. Since the front of the truck is pretty big, I laid myself down. Dad gently moved some hair out of my face as I dozed off.

When we got to Lincoln, Dad took a lapse of the place to come up with escape routes and he blessed a reservoir. Then we met Meg and Tom. "The gun and the witch John". Meg said to dad. I looked at dad and he gave me the gun and nodded. I handed the gun to Meg who gave it to Tom and he shot her, which pissed her off big time. She was more pissed that the colt was fake and she grabbed my arm but I quickly dropped a hexbag and cast a spell that temporarily paralysed the demons. We ran and dad set off a valve which sprayed the demons with holy water. We came to a dead end so we ran to the truck but the tires were slashed. Next thing I know, I'm hit over the head and fall unconscious...

That's this chapter guys! Hope you like it

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