Chapter 4

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John's POV:

Caitlan is 9 months old. She's 100% a daddy's girl. She's been seeing her mom every fortnite and I know she misses Rowena when she isn't with her, but when Rowena communicates with her I always make sure Sam and Dean are elsewhere. It's not that I don't trust the boys, I really do but I ain't putting any of my kids in danger. Well more danger than growing up on the road, hunting anyway.

I think we need a few days off though so we're gonna go see Bobby for the weekend. When we got there, Sam and Dean immediately ran in. "Nice to see you too boys." Bobby rolled his eyes. Last time we came to see Bobby, Cait was about 4 months old. "Look how big you got darlin'!" Bobby smiled at Cait in my arms and she shyly waved at him. "Don't be shy baby girl it's Uncle Bobby." I whispered but she just cuddled into me even more. "She's tired. She's due her midday nap." I chuckled. "She'll probably perk up after a snooze." "Well I have three spare rooms so if you and Caitlan wanna have one room then Sammy and Dean can have a room each?" Bobby offered. "Dean, Sammy. Watch your sister whilst I unload the car please." Dean sat Cait in between him and Sammy as they watched tv.

When the impala was unloaded and I set up Cait's travel crib up upstairs, I came down to see my three babies laughing at Scooby-Doo. Obviously, Cait doesn't understand it as she's only 9 months old but she always laughs when her brothers do. She looked up at me and reached her arms up tiredly. "Dada!" She just said her first word. I picked her up and cuddled her. "Your first word babygirl! Well done." Sam and Dean both gave her a well done. I'm surprised she hasn't been crawling around the place yet. She loves to crawl everywhere. She's probably too tired right now though.

I did Cait her bottle and took her upstairs. I took the baby monitor up when I put her crib up. We sat on the bed and I cuddled her for a few minutes. "Mamamama." She started babbling. "Is momma talking to you baby?" I whispered. "Rowena, when I go downstairs, call please. I can't keep it from Bobby and the boys about Cait being half witch. They can help to keep her safe." I fed Caitlan her bottle and she fell asleep cuddled into me. I planted a kiss on her head and laid her down in the crib.

As soon as I got downstairs, the phone rang. Bobby answered. "John it's for you." He said suspiciously and I took the phone. "Do you really think they can help John?" Rowena asked from the other end of the line. "Yeah. But it won't go any further than them I promise." I replied. "Ok, just as long as our baby girl is safe." Rowena answered before she hung up.

I went in the living room and Sam, Dean and Bobby were all sat down. "Guys we need to talk." "What's wrong Dad?" Sammy asked worried. "Nothing Sammy, it's about Caitlan. Me and her mom didn't want anyone to know but we just made an agreement to tell you two and Bobby. We don't want anyone else to know. I wasn't gonna tell you for all of ours safety but I know you can help to keep her safe. Caitlan is half witch." I told them. Their faces were blank. "You did the dirty with a witch dad?" Dean blurted out. "Shut up you idjit. It's understandable why you didn't tell us John. But Caitlan is a Winchester. We'll keep the secret." Bobby said. "Aren't witches bad though dad?" Sam asked confused. "Yes Sammy. But this one, Cait's mom. I didn't know she was a witch at first. But she wasn't a threat. At the end of the day she's Cait's mom. And I've been allowing her to spend time with Caitlan. She's being raised as a hunter for everyone's safety though. We don't want every monster there is try to kill her, well I know they will due to her gonna be a hunter but you know what I mean." "Dad. Cait is a Winchester. Our baby sis. Witch or not. We'll help look after her." Dean told me. I'm so damn proud of my boys.

After about an hour, we heard Cait on the baby monitor. She woke up. I went upstairs and brought her down. She was crawling around everywhere, and of course Sam and Dean chased her.

We all had Chinese for dinner. Cait had her baby food but I gave her small spoonfuls of mine. "Bobby you got any pie?" Dean asked straight after dinner. Bobby came out with an apple pie. "Jackpot!" Dean fistbumped the air. Cait reached out trying to grab some. "You want a slice babygirl?" I chuckled. "Dean cut a slice for Cait please." Dean handed me a small slice of pie. I fed her it and she absolutely loved it. "I think we got another Dean in the making." I laughed. "Balls! One is bad enough." Bobby said jokingly. "Bawws!" Cait shouted. We knew she tried to say 'balls' but we just laughed like crazy.

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