Chapter 27

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Caitlan's POV:

I jolted up in the backseat of Baby to Dean honking the horn. "What the fuck?" I yawned, it's the middle of the night. "Dean just started another prank war." Sam said grumpily. I groaned. "Fuck sake." "What?" Dean asked. "Every time a prank war starts, you two always team up against me! And do you not remember the pranks you did to me when we were kids?!"


Caitlan is 2, Sam 6, Dean 10.

John's POV:

We've come to Bobby's for a few days. There's been no cases so a few days off will do us all good.

It's lovely weather outside so whilst the boys are inside watching cartoons, me, Bobby and Cait are in the back yard. Bobby has loads of scrapped cars and I don't want Cait getting hurt. Cait is currently sitting on the grass and several butterflies were fluttering around her. One landed on her hand and she came up to me. "Dada futterfy!" She said happily lifting her tiny hand up, "it's pretty darling." I chuckled. The butterfly flew away and Cait clasped her tiny fingers to her palm waving goodbye to the butterfly. "Me go tew Sammy and Dee!" She smiled.

A couple minutes later, me and Bobby heard Caitlan screaming, so we rushed inside. "Dey kiwed Tetty!" She sobbed and I lifted her up before realising what she meant. There was teddy stuffing and material scattered all over.  the floor and Sam and Dean looked guilty. "What the fuck have you done boys!" I yelled and Cait jumped. "W-we wanted to pull a prank dad." Dean stuttered. "By destroying your sister's favourite teddy?!" I yelled and Cait sobbed her heart out. "I-it's not hers. We went to the store and bought one like it to prank her. Her teddy is upstairs." Sam said, getting upset. Dean ran and got Cait's and Cait took it off him and completely ignored Sam and Dean. "That wasn't a prank you idjits. That was cruel." Bobby told them disappointed.  "Sorry Cait." Both of em said upset but Cait just hid her tear sodden face into the crook of my neck. We sat back in the yard and Cait cuddled her teddy tightly. "Shh it's ok baby. It's ok." I rubbed her back to soothe her and she calmed down. "Wanna come with daddy to the store sweetheart?" I wiped a tear off her cheek. "Tetty come?" She sniffled. "Of course babygirl."

At the store, I put Caitlan in the shopping cart seat. I went round the store. I got a couple bottles of shampoo and when I put them in the cart, Cait pointed at something. "Dada! Pink!" She pointed at pink her dye. "You're too young for pink hair darling." I smiled at her. "No' me siwwy Dada! Sammy and Dee!" She giggled with a grin on her face. "I dunno Cait." I sighed. "Pweash Dada? Dey tented to kiw Tetty." She gave me the puppy dog eyes and as usual, I caved.

Later that night, Sam and Dean went to wash their hair and I put the hair dye in the shampoo before me and Cait left the store carpark.

After about ten minutes, we heard two lots of screams. Cait was giggling already. Sam and Dean ran downstairs, both of em with bright pink hair and looking annoyed. "What the hell!" Dean yelled and me, Cait and Bobby were pissing ourselves. "It's not funny!" Sam whined. "It's called karma boys!" Bobby told em.

Caitlan is 6, Sam is 10 and Dean is 14

Caitlan's POV:

Daddy and Uncle Bobby have gone to finish off a hunt, mommy said I could come stay at Uncle Bobby's whilst they do this hunt.

Daddy said they might not be back until late, so I'm watching cartoons in Uncle Bobby's living room and Sam and Dean are upstairs.

My brothers came down. "Hey Cait, wanna play hide and seek?" Sammy asked. "Yeah!" I smiled and Dean said he'd count. Once he started counting, me and Sammy went outside. Daddy and Uncle Bobby went in Bobby's car. "Hey Cait, you hide in the trunk of the impala and I'll hide amongst the junk cars." "Umm ok." I shrugged and Sam helped me in the trunk and shut it. Just gotta wait for Dean to find me now...

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