Chapter 23

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Caitlan's POV:

Me and Dean are looking for a case. Sam is sketching something  on a piece of paper, before digging a photo out of his duffle. "I think we gotta go to Lawrence." He said. Dean paled. "Why?" He asked. "Look I've been having these dreams about something bad happening there." "Sam I dunno if we should be going off from something you dreamt." I said. "I had dreams like this before Jessica died. It happened a few days before she was killed, and it was exactly how she had died. Please guys." Sam pleaded before me and Dean agreed.

We made a bathroom stop halfway to Lawrence . I got back before Sam and Dean. I leant against the impala as Dean came back. "Sam's getting us some pie." He said awkwardly. We got in the car. "What's up?" I asked. "It's just everything that happened with Mom. After it happened, I always told myself I'd never go back." He sighed. I put my hand on his shoulder as Sam got in.

We reached Sam and Dean's childhood home. "It's beautiful." I said as we got out the car. We walked to the front door and knocked. A woman called Jenny answered and we introduced ourselves. She said she had some old photos, which were of Sam, Dean, Dad and Mary. Jenny then showed us around and told us of some strange occurrences, flickering lights, noises and her daughter Sari says she saw a being in her closet.

We left the house and Sam and Dean started comparing what Jenny said, to what Dad told us about the night of Mary's death. Since I couldn't really contribute to the discussion I just listened. "I carried you out Sammy." Dean said and I heard his voice crack. "I-I didn't know that." Sam said. I felt myself tear up a bit. We drove into town and Dean got out and talked on the phone, I've no clue who to though.

We then went to the garage dad co-owned and we talked to the guy that owned it with dad. He said that dad went to see every psychic in town. Sam and Dean looked up the town's psychics in the phonebook. One name rang a bell, Missouri Moseley. Dean said be recognised that name and he saw it in Dad's journal. "Dad went to see her on the way to drop me off at my mom's when I was about 4 I think." I said as we got in the car. "What for?" Dean asked. "I dunno. I was four years old dude" I shrugged.

We got to Missouri's and she finished up with a guy that wanted to know if his wife was cheating. "Anyway let me look at the three of ya." She said to me and my brothers. "You were the goofy looking one Dean. Look at ya now!" She smiled, me and Sam started laughing. "You've always been a beauty, dear Caitlan." She smiled and brought me into a hug. I smirked and flipped Dean off, which caused him and Sam to laugh. After sitting and talking to Missouri, she offered condolences to Sam for Jessica, and she told us she helped dad and went to the house and has been keeping an eye on the house ever since.

The four of us went back to the house. We told Jenny that we can help. Missouri sensed two presences, one being a mean poltergeist and but neither were responsible for Mary's death. We filled bags with ingredients to purify the house, but as we started placing them, the poltergeist fought back. We managed to place the bags around the house and Missouri told us it was safe.

Me, Sam and Dean are in the impala watching the house. "If it's safe, why we still here?" I asked. "I just got a feeling Cait." Sam told me and Dean huffed. We then saw Jenny screaming upstairs, which was on fire - just as Sam told us happened in his dream. We ran in, Dean got Jenny out. Me and Sam got Sari and Ritchie. "Take your brother outside to your mom ok?" I said and she nodded. I turned around and Sammy was getting attacked. A fire figure showed up, and I could sense it wasn't a threat. Dean came in and was about to shoot it, but me and Sam stopped him. The flames died and it was Mary. She's just as gorgeous as I saw her on dads photos of her. She looked at me and put her hand on my shoulder, "you're an amazing sister to my boys, take care of em." She smiled. I felt myself tear up as I nodded. She then apologised to Sam and Dean and told the poltergeist to leave the house. "It's over." Missouri said as we walked out and she promised to keep an eye on the house.

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