Goodbye And Thank You! :)

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Aaaaaa thank you so much for reading this far!!

I can't believe this is it.

Enjoy! :)

So, very much like the opening page, this is going to be whatever comes to mind, but unlike the opening page, it's going to be a lot more random haha. As always, my goal is just 1000 words per page, so let's see where this goes.

Aaaaaa I can't believe we got here!!

Also, the epilogue has a word count of exactly 1899 words and that makes me happier than anything.

So this story has an opening/closing page, an introduction and an epilogue, 38 chapters, and 12 flashback chapters, making this story 54 parts. Is there anything significant about any of those numbers? That's up for your interpretation.

I started writing this story December 21st 2021, and now I'm finishing it January 23, 2022.

I almost finished this story last night, but it was midnight, I knew I would be up for a lot longer trying to write, my head was hurting, and I knew I wouldn't enjoy writing it, and I would probably miss a detail or two. So for once, I took into consideration, just because you could doesn't mean you should, and waited until morning to wrap up this story once and for all. And now I'm happy with that decision.

So now let's get into why I wanted to write this story. So for one, I am super fascinated by past lives. And while writing a modern au didn't interest me too much, writing a modern au where they're the reincarnated newsies interested me a lot. I've seen other people play with the idea of the newsies + reincarnation as well. So we're rare, but we are out there haha.

This story is nothing like what I planned it to be when I first came up with the idea a while back. I look at my original notes, and they're two completely different stories. Except for a couple minor details, I pretty much left the original idea alone. I like this a lot better.

This may have just started out as a reincarnation modern Newsies au, but it's become so much more to me. This story means a lot. I get to write characters in different ways, I get to do things that I haven't been able to do before, and I get to dive deep into the who am I?

I hope you all like learning random things as this story kept progressing. That's one of the things I love about writing about 1899: I'll randomly be like wait, was *this* a thing? look it up, and put my findings in the author's notes. I know a lot of people don't do author's notes the way I do, and I like that that means mine are unique. And I honestly don't care what anyone thinks of them. I'll continue writing them anyway.

Was this story heavy on Sprace? Very Race/Tony-centric? I'm not going to deny it. I love Race so much, and I love Sprace. It makes me so happy writing about them.

And I kind of pour everything into Race/Tony maybe a little more than I should haha. It's just that when there are widely accepted headcanons about him that describe me so well, it's hard to not put me into his character. Neurodivergent, Italian, queer, genderqueer. The whole bunch. And a lot of the things Tony says are things that I've thought about a lot, but have just never said out loud to people.  And in a sense, the way I write Tony/Race is me. Out of all the newsies there are, it's Race that I connect to the most.

Honestly, it never occurred to me that people would want to hear what I have to say until I've gotten comments about people liking what Tony has to say. It's just that in the real world, no one listens to me, so I have to find other ways to say it. So far, this is one of them.

This has literally been a roller coaster. There's no other way to describe it. Soooooo much has happened. And honestly? I don't want to change anything. Everything that's happened happened for a reason. Could I have written some parts better? For sure. Overall though, I'm satisfied with how this story turned out.

Reincarnated ~ A Modern Newsies Au (Nowsies)Where stories live. Discover now