Soon | November 11, 1938

72 7 52

This is Sprace :)

Much older Sprace ... as in, they're 55 ... but still Sprace.

Enjoy! :)


Warning: death :(   (as in, I'm so close to crying about it right this second)

"When's the Great Depression gonna end?"

"Soon, I hope."

"It's nearly been ten years since the stock market crash of '29. Soon better actually come soon."

"We got through the price change in '98 and the strike of '99. We'll get through this too."

Race snorts. "You love bringing up the strike of '99, don't you?"

"I do."

"That was nearly twoscore ago."

Spot raises his eyebrows. "40 years ago?" He thinks on it. "I guess you're right. It'll be forty years in the summer." He sighs and shakes his head. "I feel so old now."

"Nah, we aren't that old," Race tells him cheerfully. "Just a few years past 50."

Spot glares at Race. "And that's supposed to make me not feel old ... how?"

Race looks Spot in the eye--with those big, beautiful deep brown eyes that Spot fell for so long ago. "Because we still have many more years to grow old together."

Spot smiles.

They kiss.

They've been living together for a few decades now. They've stopped going by their nicknames when they're out and about, but when they're here, in their small house, just the two of them, they call each other by names they went by forty years ago.

"I love you," Race murmurs to Spot, their foreheads pressed together. "Always have, always will."

"And I you," Spot murmurs back.

They pull back and smile at each other.

They're happy.

True, they can't get married, or show affection in public. They tell their landlord that they're cousins. But they have each other, and the hope that things are going to get better soon.

Another common topic talked about in their house: adopting a child.

Technically, they can; if the child goes under only one of their names. And if they don't let anyone know that they'll be raising that child as a couple.

They both love children. Spot knows that Race would adopt many, many children if he could.

Someday soon, they might finally adopt a child.

Race had joked that adoption papers should have been what Spot should have given him for his birthday. Or some paper with the words we are officially adopting a child on it.

Spot didn't give him that, but he did get him a neat jigsaw puzzle--a rare one originally cut five years ago. It's hard to find puzzles nowadays. He struck metaphorical gold being able to find it.

"When are you going to start the puzzle I got you for your birthday last week?" Spot asks now, smiling.

"Soon," Race tells him with the same smile on his face.

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