36 | This Is It

67 5 35

50th part! Wow!

This ... this is going to be something.

Enjoy! :)


First thing Saturday morning, they head to Calavry Cemetery in Queens to find where Louis "Kid Blink" Baletti was buried a little over a century ago.

And there's the grave, right there, or rather graves, of the whole Baletti family.

They let Louis take the lead, all five steps behind him, none of them making a single sound.

Louis has thought about this moment a lot. Has always wondered what it would be like to come here, and now he's here. It's ... surreal. He has no other way to describe it. No other thoughts going through his head.

He sees the other names, the names of his past family, and he remembers them. He traces his fingers over the letters.


DIED JULY 18, 1913


Are his eyes watering? He brings a finger to his eye, wiping away any tears that might come out.

That's when Nick steps forward and takes Louis's hand. He knows just how much this means to Louis. And he remembers coming here 109 years ago as Mush, and breaking down sobbing seeing his lover's name carved in the stone.

It's a bittersweet moment for both of them for their own separate reasons. They share the moment in silence, just being there for each other.

As are all their other friends, silently being with them as well.

Should Louis say something? He doesn't quite know. What would he say?

I remember, Louis says silently. I remember it all. I remember you all. And I promise that, as long as I live, I'll carry the memory of you with me every day. I will not let any of you be forgotten.

Finally, all his friends cautiously step closer. They all hold hands, silently showing their respect. Both Jack and Nick squeeze Louis's hands.

This is it. This is the moment Louis has been waiting for for awhile now, before and after he remembered everything about his past life. He can finally pay his respects to Kid Blink. And it's a wondrous feeling now that he actually is doing just that.

I will tell your story, he vows silently. I promise.

Kathryn and Sarah are the first ones to leave, giving Louis and Nick more privacy, and to get a start on finding Katherine Pulitzer's grave.

And now they're here at Woodlawn Cemetery, ready to find Katherine.

Kathryn's not ready for this.

Luckily, Sarah is with them. Sarah is with them the whole way.

"Here it is," Sarah murmurs once they come across it. "We found her."


BORN JAN 30, 1882

DIED MAY 9, 1884

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