15 | It Begins Now

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So...who is going to find that last chapter published first? And this one? This is my favorite part of posting midday haha.

Picking up pretty much where we left off.

Enjoy! :)


They do in fact all go to school the next day.

As much fun as it would be to randomly skip four days of school, it's very unrealistic: they'd all fall behind academically too much.

Because school has too high of expectations and pretty much every day has something important that they'd miss if they skipped school.

And they can't rush into this.

They need to think this through.

Any rash act will get them in even more trouble, and that's another thing they can't afford.

The first thing Tony does when he wakes up Tuesday morning is text Sean, totally out of it and done with everything.

Two weeks of nothing made me forget how bad Tuesdays are

They say Monday is the worst

But no

Monday IS a headache

But Tuesday is worse

Sooooo mchu worse




I blame Tuesday

Tuesday is homophobic

Sean are you awake

You probably are, and you probably have you're phone off

Wait wrong your

At least I didn't use a wrong there haha

And leaving Sean to discover all of those, Tony stretches and groans and finally gets out of bed. Only ten minutes after he planned to get up.

After he gets dressed, he examines himself in the mirror, seeing if his binder actually works. And it does. Tony hasn't felt any euphoria and rightness like this in a really long time. And it's great.

Aw, it thinks it's valid!

The voice echoes in his head.

Tony's smile begins to change into a frown.

"I am valid," he tells his mirror. "I am."



All of them show up to school a lot more tense, always looking over their shoulder. Like someone is going to call them out, or there's going to be homophobia and/or transphobia around every corner.

All their first classes explain to everyone that there are new rules about how everyone has to be in the commons for lunch. No one is really fazed; most of them sit there anyway, but there is some confusion about why this has happened all of a sudden. Then there are the kids who don't like sitting in the commons, whether they have clubs that prefer to meet during lunch rather than after school, or the kids that each lunch in the library.

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