35 | Finally, The Last Day

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Okay, I am excited for this one.

I'm not gonna say much except I'm grinning already.

Enjoy! :)


Tony had immediately told them about what he had found about the auditions for the new movie, over the moon with excitement. They have agreed that they will talk about it later. For now, they have something else they need to complete.

And here it is.

This is it. The day they've all been waiting for. The last day of school.

Charlie's not sure this is how a typical ninth grade school year works. A lot has happened to him this year. And now he has three more years ahead of him. He's going to miss Nick and Louis when they leave for sure. He's excited for what's to come in future years. And, now that he has the stress of settling into a new school out of the way, as well as figuring out all he can about his past life, and now they won't have their GSA taken away again, he can focus on what really matters in school. Of course, that's after this day ends, and after they get through summer.

Tony wakes up excited. He's always loved the last day of school. And they just watched the last episode of Heartstopper in GSA. So now that that's complete, he's ready for the last day of school. But there really isn't much point to going; they don't do anything anyway. But, Louis and Nick are leaving this year, and it's always fun to stick around for one last morning and sign yearbooks and whatnot. So he'll make the most of today.

Sean grins as his alarm goes off. He was waiting for it; now he can turn that darn thing off for two months. While everyone likes to claim that summer is three months, summer in a school year will be lucky to call itself two months sometimes. So. He's had two years of high school now. He has two years to go. Those two years won't get any easier. But things are making sense now. And he has Tony. He'll always have Tony. And together, they can get through anything and everything life throws at them.

David is actually satisfied with this year. This school is a lot better than his other school, even including all the crazy things that have happened this year. In the end, it's all been worth it. And unlike many who like to talk about skipping the last day of school, he would never dare. He needs things to come to a perfect ending. And with Jack? With all his friends? With an actually successful junior year after everything that happened before and after coming here? This is the best ending he can ask for.

Sarah loves the last day of school. Everyone is so happy. It's just good vibes wherever you go. It doesn't matter what school she's talking about; this has been her experience everywhere she's gone to school. And she has to give Kathryn the notebook back; can't forget that. Their story ... it was the best thing that Sarah has ever read. She needs Kathryn to publish it. And if Kathryn says no, she'll respect that. But now's the time to consider if she really is above sending Kathryn's story to a publisher without them knowing, when she knows for a fact it would get published.

Kathryn's just glad that now they only have one more year left in their father's school. Then they can move out and be done with him forever, and good riddance. Sarah's been texting her constantly, saying how much she loves her story. It makes Kathryn happy with every text she receives. True, school is fun. But she can't wait for school to end and summer to begin, where they're free from everything that could ever hold them back. And what better way to celebrate today being the last day of school than going on an ice cream + library date once school ends?

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