17 | Closer Than We Realized

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Okay, so I really love how when you publish a chapter, it adds an exclamation mark, saying "Congratulations! You just published [chapter title]!" And for this story, that means "You just published And Then There Was...Nothing!" and "Nothing Logical!" and let's not forget "And It All Went Wrong!" I don't know why, this all just seems funny to me haha. It's the little things, really, that make this just that much more fun.

So the first half of this is...me trying to figure out what I'm doing, the second half is fun. Still read the first half though!

I'm always like "and THIS is how I'm going to end the chapter! It's going to be GREAT!" and then the writer in me who is opening this blank page is like "that's great, but how do we start it" and I'm like "how do we what" haha.

So that's that on that haha.

Well, let's just see if I can make this any good.

Enjoy! :)


"Is it really going to be enough to just spread the word around to everyone in the school by word of mouth?" Mr. Denton asks Thursday when they're all in his classroom after school. "It would take a lot of work."

"We could write a newspaper!" Kathryn suggests, excited. "The school paper hasn't had anything actually good to write about in a really long while."

Kathryn has always loved writing things for the school's newspaper.

It's always disappointed her when their father barely glances at anything they wrote.

Well, she's not writing for his approval now.

The thing is, newspaper has taken on a new meaning for all of them since they first started learning about the strike. They can't hear newspaper without thinking about acting out in defiance against selling newspapers, without thinking about all the other newspapers just gushing about all that the newsies were doing. Newspaper is becoming dangerously close to being synonymous with newsie for them as well. 

This all just feels like it's meant to be. Like it's a full circle. The newsies had their strike; this group of friends have their version of a strike.

Not to mention their opponent shares a last name with the main enemy of the newsies.

Fate? Or just mere coincidence?

Or just...common names?

Anyway, the idea of making their own paper about this gets them excited.

Kathryn is already taking notes for what she should write. "Should it be more logical and statistical? Or should it rely more an emotional appeal?"

"Both," David suggests. "That could help make our argument stronger, right?"

"I like that way of thinking," they tell him as she starts scribbling down notes. Then they pause. "Where are we going to get statistics? And what about?"

That gets all of them thinking.

Because they already know what their emotional appeal is going to be.

"There's got to be something," Nick says. "Maybe we figure out tomorrow during lunch if we can get any other perspectives on how this affects anyone, which isn't exactly statistics, but it's something."

Sounds like a place to start.

"Alright, so are we going to start making this paper today or tomorrow?" Kathryn asks.

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