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"We need to talk."

Those four little words were dreaded in any relationship. The phrase itself signifying an untimely end.

Unfortunately for some people, they were unable to get those words out sometimes. Like Taeyong, right at that moment.

It was actually Yuta that had requested the two meet up, and although he was trying to act normal, Taeyong still had this pressing matter in the back of his head. Every time he tried to enjoy the normal moment with the Nakamoto, the issue reminded him of his betrayal, his crippling guilt.

"Tae, are you ok?" A concerned Nakamoto questioned, actually paying attention. "You seem a bit distant lately."

There. The perfect opportunity to speak his mind. What was it Doyoung had said? He ran away too much?

The accusation had bothered him then, but now all he wanted to do was embrace that and get out of there.

"Yuta?" His voice was small, the speech of a terrified, cowardly man.

Seeing the older's obvious suffering, the observant Nakamoto cut him some slack. Eyes softening, there was a hint of disappointment on Yuta's face. "Listen, I know things have been weird lately, and I just want you to know that you can tell me anything."

Could he sense the impending heartbreak? The thought troubled the older boy.

Patting the Lee's hand, Yuta was completely genuine. "It's ok, Taeyong."

You could have assumed he was holding a helpless group of kittens at gunpoint by the guilt the Lee was currently going through.

"I'm so sorry." Was all he could get out. Yuta seemed to understand, almost expect it.

The younger nodded, surprisingly taking this well. "Is it Jaehyun?"

Taeyong shook his head, picturing the man. He just wanted to lie, deny everything, but he couldn't do that. "He's stubborn, irritating, and a total idiot, but-"

"But he's your idiot." A warm and surprising smile appeared Yuta's face. Even though everything he ever knew told him that he should be incomparably upset, somehow he felt fine about this. "It's alright, Taeyong. I understand."

Maybe it was just an in-the-moment thing, but Yuta felt fine. Perhaps he'd wake up tomorrow and feel the effects of this rejection like a bad hangover.

But somehow he knew: he'd survive.

"Why are you so cool about this?" In Taeyong's mind, Yuta should be furious, telling him how he was making a huge mistake, but that never happened. "This is so unfair to you!"

"Hey, so is the rest of life! But that doesn't mean it's over." The Nakamoto shrugged. Don't get him wrong, he would miss the older, but he knew deep down that they just weren't meant to be.

"Yuta, I can't do this to you. I couldn't live with myself if I just broke things off with you for no good reason!" Somehow Taeyong was now the emotional one, when it definitely should have been the other way around. "I mean you're funny, selfless, and amazingly caring! I don't deserve someome like you."

Bothered by an issue he had heard earlier, the Nakamoto shook his head.

"That's not true, you have a very good reason to break things off with me!" If anything, Taeyong should be the one explaining things, but neither of them noticed or cared. Yuta made sure the older was listening, needing his full attention. "You love him, Tae. Anyone can see that."

That was true, but the Lee still wasn't satisfied. He should have been glad that Yuta was understanding, but it only made him feel worse.

"And if you won't end things, I will." The statement seemed to amuse Yuta.

Letting his theatric tendencies fly, the younger got to his feet, pointing at the Lee with conviction.

"Lee Taeyong! I am breaking up with you!" It was almost an announcement, but in the worst way. The older couldn't help but notice the corner of the Japanese's lips turn up as he realized how ridiculous he looked. "You and I are over! We are zero, nothing, done!"

Falling to his knees, the Nakamoto was really grinning now.

"Well? What are you still doing here?" Yuta raised a brow, astonishing the Lee. A comforting, reassuring hand was placed on the other's shoulder.
"Go get your man."

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