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Eyes scanning the shelves in front of him, Doyoung furrowed his brows. What was he looking for again?

Instructed by his teacher to secure a specific book for his class, the Kim had to glance at the paper in his hands in order to remember the name .

"It should be right..." He mumbled, the endless array of book spines overwhelming him.

"Ah." He smiled, zeroing in on the title he needed. Taking care to examine and double check, he didn't notice the figure behind in.

"Excuse me." The voice said, his path being blocked by the distracted Kim.

Embarrassed to have been so oblivious, a sheepish smile appeared on the man's face.

"Sorry." Doyoung lowered his head, stepping out of the way to make room for the stranger.

But stranger wasn't quite the right word.

The two realized the predicament at the same time, Doyoung speaking first.

"Jaehyun?" He was almost in awe, just now remembering what his roommate had been spouting about for weeks now. Although it hadn't been too long- only two years since they had last seen each other, Doyoung was fascinated by how the younger had matured.

The Jung nodded, not sure what to do in this situation. "Hello, Doyoung."

Although Doyoung never held any ill feelings towards the younger, it almost felt like betraying his best friend the longer he stayed and talked.

Jaehyun wasn't stupid, he could figure that out. That's why he wasn't surprised when the Kim stepped away.

"Nice seeing you." Doyoung smiled, glad for an escape from the awkward situation.

The younger said nothing, just giving a slight wave. Done with all these odd encounters, he tried to forget the brief conversation and found the book he was looking for.

That being his only needed item, he made his way to the front desk in order to check it out. Unfortunately for him, there was already someone there in line.

Apparently fate wasn't letting either of them escape today.

Placing his book on the counter, Doyoung tried to ignore the Jung's presence.

"Did you find everything alright, hon?" The librarian questioned, giving him a wide smile.

Doyoung just nodded, wishing they could speed this painful process up a bit. "Yes, thank you."

Glad to hear it, the woman moved to scan the book, a noise from her office interrupting her.

Turning towards the ringing phone in the other room, she gave the two an apologetic frown. "I'll be right back, boys."

Doyoung wanted to leap across the countertop, beg the woman to scan his book so he could get out of there, but his better judgment prevented him.

Silence enveloped the library much more than it ever should.

Glancing behind him, the Kim saw Jaehyun just as awkward, his eyes on the floor.

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