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"I'm actually going to kill you."

After giving up on finding the Japanese, Taeyong was now walking back to his apartment building, which luckily wasn't that far away. It would have been a nice, peaceful night for contemplation, but unfortunately he wasn't alone.

Raising his arms in surrender, Jaehyun panicked. "I apologized about 100 times already! What else do you want me to say?"

After Taeyong had misread the situation and Johnny almost killed Jaehyun, Ten had luckily stepped in and explained the misunderstanding. Fortunately, Johnny trusted the Thai and believed them, but it was still the most awkward moment of Jaehyun's whole life.

"I can't believe you lied like that." Taeyong groaned, staying two steps ahead of the younger on the dark street. "What were you even thinking?"

There was no way Jaehyun was admitting his true intention, so he lied. Again.

"I thought it would be fun." He mumbled, hands in his pockets as he kicked at a stray rock on the sidewalk.

Taeyong rolled his eyes at the immature man, sighing in relief as his building came in sight. "The only fun part was seeing Johnny almost rip your head off."

The Jung said nothing, still kicking rocks.

If he wouldn't say anything, the older would.

"So just to be clear," The Lee questioned, slightly looking behind him. "You're not dating anyone?"

Snickering, the Jung smiled. "No. I'm totally unattached."

"Why?" Taeyong wasn't sure where this talkative side came from, and he wasn't sure how he felt about it.

"Why?" The question brought a deep laugh from the younger boy. "What kind of a question is that?"

The Lee was genuinely curious. Man or woman, Jaehyun could have whoever he wanted, everyone knew that. He was young, smart, and good looking, and it was a wonder he was still on the market.

"I'm just curious." Taeyong shrugged. "You remember how all those hormonal teenagers would flock to you in school, asking you out all the time. What? You lost your charm or something?"

"Maybe I just don't want to date anyone, ever think of that?" Jaehyun frowned, not to keen on this topic. "Out of all those kids from school, do you remember how many I actually went out with?"

Thinking hard, Taeyong took his time with an answer. "None. You weren't interested in any of them."

"That's right." Jaehyun nodded, moving the hair out of his eyes. "Only one person in that whole place ever caught my attention."

Taeyong felt the piercing gaze aimed at his back, but he didn't turn around. He tried to speak, but it only emerged as a whisper. "I remember."

"So maybe the situation is the same." No matter how Jaehyun tried, the older refused to turn around. It didn't matter, he had already started talking, so he wasn't going to quit now. "Maybe out of everyone around me, there's only one person I want."

"Were you really drinking something back there? You're talking crazy." The Lee laughed, the nervousness extremely clear in his voice.


The older finally stopped, his back still facing the Jung. "What?"

"You may have moved on, but I haven't." Jaehyun honestly spoke, no longer fearing the older's reaction.

"Jaehyun, stop." The Lee shook his head, beginning to walk away.

He was moving quick, but the Jung caught up easily. "Taeyong, I'm serious."

The older just shook his head, only a few feet from the building now.

"It doesn't matter how long I have to wait, I'll do it." Jaehyun was desperate now, following as Taeyong threw the lobby doors open. "One day you're going to realize that your boyfriend-"

"Stop right there, Jung Jaehyun." Taeyong stopped, finally turning around. The irritation and anger were obvious on his face. "That's crossing a line. Yuta is good to me and I will not have you going around thinking anything else."

Jaehyun had obviously struck a nerve. The usually timid and shy Taeyong was replaced with a determined, confident one. The boy had grown up, that was clear to Jaehyun.

"I know what you're going to say. That 'We can make it work this time.' and 'We're grown up now, it's going to be different.' but you're wrong, Jaehyun." Taeyong crossed his arms, his eyes seemingly red with fury. "We shouldn't have gotten together then and it's no different now. So I advise you to find someone else because I am not putting myself through that again."

Jaehyun listened carefully, his voice tired. "You do know me well, don't you?"

Taeyong only lowered his head, his eyes full of remorse. "You told me we could be strangers, Jaehyun. If you care at all, you'll keep that promise."

Jaehyun wanted to refuse. To tell Taeyong that he wouldn't do it, but he couldn't.

"Fine." He nodded, his voice low and his eyes on the tacky carpet. "We'll be strangers. I promise."

To both of their surprises, Taeyong moved foward, his lips barely touching the younger's cheek.

Both a 'thank you', and 'goodbye' of sorts.

Without thinking, Jaehyun almost tried to follow the older, but Taeyong had already stepped away, pressing the button on the elevator.

Once it arrived, both got on, not another word spoken the whole trip.

When the doors opened on Jaehyun's floor, he kept true to his promise, not even giving the older a glance as he made his way out.


That's what they were now.

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