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Practically drowning in assignments, Ten was currently feeling the real 'college student' experience.

For one, he was starving and tired. As easy as it would have been to go to sleep, he couldn't. He had multiple projects, assignments- pretty much anything his professors could pin on him, due soon. For the hungry bit, not only was he too busy to go get something, but his kitchen was empty due to both him and his roommate forgetting to go shopping. Not that he had money to buy anything anyway.

Scratching away at the multitude of papers in front of him, the exhausted Thai rubbed his eyes, tempted by his warm bed not too far away.

Screw that, he didn't even need a bed. The boy could have fallen asleep right there with no problems, his mountain of assignments serving as the perfect makeshift pillow.

He was even listening to music to help keep him conscious, but it had gotten to the point where the sound coming from his headphones was swirling together, barely even decipherable.

Despite all those real problems, Ten knew his real issue. The real reason why he was having a hard time focusing and getting anything done.

Silly as it was, but he just missed his boyfriend.

Due to both his and Johnny's busy schedules, they had a devil of a time meeting up recently. It had been a long while since they had gotten to see each other.

Of course there was always other options, the occasional text message sent, but somehow those never lined up either. Johnny would always text him while he was in a strict class, and afterwards he'd have to wait hours for a reply due to the American's work schedule.

It was exhausting, and pretty sad honestly.

But Taeyong had assured him that they'd be able to meet up soon, and although the two hadn't known each other long, the Thai trusted him.

Shaking his head, Ten took a quick lap around the room to wake himself back up; careful not to wake his already sleeping roommate.

Ten was indescribably jealous, but he needed to be responsible.

Despite his blasting music, the Thai was surprised to hear a light tapping on the door. Odd for this late at night.

Suspicious of an on-the-loose serial killer, Ten didn't open the door. Instead he peered through the peephole, never too cautious.

The visitor's proximity to the door, combined with his overwhelming height caused Ten to only be able to see a portion of his chest and the lower part of his face. Regardless, it was enough for the Thai to open the door.

"What are you doing here?" The Thai grinned, quite surprised by the visit.

Johnny shrugged, holding up the object in his hands.


Warm and delicious, Ten could smell it from there. He almost forgot about the man he was just missing, his stomach taking charge.

"Just thought I'd swing by for a second." Johnny watched the younger, noticing his gaze on the food.

"How did you know I'd be awake?" The Thai came back to his thoughts, his gaze shifting between the boy and the box. "And that I'd be starving?"

Following the shorter inside, Johnny's voice was a whisper. "Just know you too well, I guess."

Ten took the pizza box from the older, but he didn't dig in like he wanted to. Instead he set it atop the pile of assignments, turning his attention back to the American.

The Thai wasted no time in going to the older, wrapping his arms tight around him.

"I missed you." Johnny smiled, returning the embrace. His hand was slow, gliding up and down the younger's back.

"Can you just stay here forever?" Ten moved his face from the taller's chest in order to be heard. "My roommate won't mind, I promise."

"That sounds very nice." Johnny nodded, not in any rush to go anywhere. He simply let the Thai hold onto him, not minding his refusal to let go.

The only thing that interrupted their moment was the sound of the younger's stomach, signaling that even though he was putting off his work, the hunger could not be forgotten.

"Come on." Johnny chuckled, motioning to the table. "Let's eat."

As much as the Thai did not want to move, he wasn't about to complain. "Alright, fine."

After they both grabbed a slice, the couple decided to sit on the couch, the hard chairs just seeming a bit too uncomfortable.

Johnny flopped on one side of the couch, expecting his boyfriend to sit next to him. He wasn't sure why he had that expectation though as the Thai sat right on his lap, ignoring the rest of the open sofa.

Back pressed against the older's chest, Ten happily ate his pizza, his eyes half closed. The full stomach, comfortable seat, close proximity to the American - it was a wonder the Thai wasn't already unconscious.

He felt terrible, it was his first time seeing the man in what seemed like forever, and he couldn't even stay awake for it.

"Was I interrupting your school work?" Johnny glanced to the table, to the obvious pile of assignments.

"Nah." Ten yawned, purposely forgetting all about them. "Nothing important."

The American chuckled, amused by the younger. Even though he had already finished his food, there was no way he was moving. "Your teachers are going to hate me."

"I can live with that." Curled up in the older's arms, Ten could feel himself slipping away. "Because I love you."

Pressing his lips to the top of the practically sleeping boy's head, Johnny held the Thai closer. "I love you too, Ten."

Satisfied with the statement, Ten smiled, putting off his responsibilities as he buried himself against the older's chest. "Goodnight, Johnny."

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