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Five minutes.

What a lie.

Taeyong must admit, at first he was hopeful. They had arrived at the party and successfully made it through the door despite the booming music, flashing neon lights, and overwhelming stench of sweat, alcohol, and teenage desperation.

At the beginning, Taeyong and Yuta had stayed by themselves, conversing in a corner. 'This isn't so bad.' The poor, unsuspecting Lee had managed to convince himself. 

Then disaster struck.

One unfortunate individual that Taeyong did not personally recognize, but had apparently known Yuta, called him over. Taeyong was able to spot the Japanese easily for a little while, but now the younger was nowhere in sight. 

The Nakamoto had promised he would only be gone for a second, but soon that second had turned to a minute, and those original five had turned to twenty miserable and excruciating minutes Taeyong had been trapped in this wretched place.

If it wasn't for Yuta being his ride, Taeyong would have left this torture chamber ages ago. Now he was just trapped, desperate to find some solace. There had to be some quiet corner in this expansive mansion, and he was going to find it.

Dodging the masses of stumbling and woozy teenagers, Jung Jaehyun finally found an open spot in this humongous building to stand.

Feeling the vibrations of the music pounding through his whole body, he took a sip from the red plastic cup in his hand, surveying the scene.


Jaehyun wasn't in the mood to lose all sense of reality tonight, but decided to play the part anyway.

One may be asking, just as Jaehyun was, why he was even there at the party. If he was honest, he wasn't quite sure. The Jung had overheard someone in his morning class talking about the party and had very spur-of-the-moment-ly decided to go.

For one, he wasn't really in the mood to go back to that torturous apartment and have to fake friends with his new roommate.

Secondly, he knew that some people did not enjoy parties such as this one, so there was no possible way they could see each other here.

The setting wasn't ideal, but Jaehyun would take what he got.

Deep in thought, Jaehyun failed to notice the over the top intoxicated party guest barreling towards him. The two collided, leaving the stranger completely fine, but sending Jaehyun stumbling into someone behind him.

The polite Jung turned to apologize, but was immediately silenced by a familiar face. Someone that he definitely wasn't expecting to see here.


The Thai glanced up at the mention of his name, a wide smile immediately forming on his face. Wasting no time, he wrapped his arms around the broad shouldered male. "Jaehyun!"

"What are you doing here?" Don't get him wrong, the Jung was excited to see the older, just surprised.

Raising a brow, Ten crossed his arms with a frown. "Jung Jaehyun, don't tell me you've forgotten I'm a student here too. Even though we have different majors and no classes together, I still thought you'd care enough to remember."

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