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After spending the evening at the concert with Yuta, belting out lyrics and fanning over the artists on stage, Taeyong was obviously over the moon.

Although the place was loud and crowded, it was such a great experience, getting to sing along to all those familiar songs. The colorful lights, warm environment, he was so glad he got to bring Yuta along.

There was one thing bothering him though.

Never before had he mentioned listening to the group before in front of the Japanese, so how did he know? It didn't seem like the younger guessed, he was somehow so sure.

What was it that Yuta had said? He had a little help?

Taeyong's suspicions were only confirmed as the night went on. As each song played, the Lee was reminded of the last time he had heard them all. Each one had a similar connection.

Hand-in-hand, dancing, on a long car ride, it seemed that every song was connected to some memory, all with the same boy. It was interesting how music had that power, to be able to vividly bring him back to a single moment in his life.

They were roommates after all.

It was entirely possible that he had told Yuta.

Those suspicions were why Taeyong was where he currently was.

Knocking on an apartment door.

Regretting every choice he'd ever made.

The door swung open, revealing a sleep deprived Jung.

"Oh." Jaehyun's tired eyes widened. Clearly things were still a little awkward from the last time they had seen each other. The Jung still hadn't gotten over waking up by a panicked Taeyong chasing after his boyfriend. He glanced around the room, a frown appearing. "Yuta actually isn't here right now."

Of course that was the logical thing to think. Taeyong shook his head, his practiced speech abandoning him. "Uh... I actually came to... see you."

The statement was obviously surprising to Jaehyun, who was still struggling to keep up. "Me?"

The Lee nodded, only confusing the Jung further.

"Come on in." Stepping back, he invited the older. Unsure of what to do with his hands, Jaehyun shoved them in his pockets. "Can I get you anything? A drink? Sandwich?"

"Oh, no I'm fine." Taeyong shook his head, fidgeting with his jewelry. "Thanks anyway."

Jaehyun just nodded, still confused on why the Lee was here in the first place. Did he come to chew him out? Yell at him some more?

Before the older could argue about anything, the Jung decided to speak up. "So, Yuta told me you guys were going to a concert? How was that?" 

"It was amazing." Taeyong allowed his awkwardness to melt away, reminded of his purpose for visiting. "I actually came to thank you for that."

Jaehyun was about to lie, object and say that he had nothing to do with that, but Taeyong knew him too well.

"I know you were the one behind that." The Lee smiled seeing the panic on the younger's face. Jaehyun never could lie to him, even now apparently. "That was very sweet of you."

What Taeyong didn't mention was how the whole thing got him fondly remembering his relationship with the other boy. That, he would take to the grave.

Jaehyun didn't know that the concert was going to affect the older this way, but he had certainly hoped that it would when he had seen the tickets for sale. Perhaps he had been banking on the Lee's exceptional memory and strong sense of sentimentality. 

"It was no big deal." The Jung shrugged, not wanting to let the other know of his scheming. "Yuta just wanted to do something special for you and I figured I'd help out."

"Well thank you." Taeyong gave the younger a warm smile, a thought occurring to him. "I'm surprised you remembered that band." 

"How could I forget?" Jaehyun couldn't help but let out a warm, familiar laugh. Taeyong hadn't heard it in a while, and it was quite welcome. "You blasted their music every chance you had."

"They have good songs, ok?" Taeyong gave up, beginning to accuse the younger. "I never heard you complaining." 

"That's true." Jaehyun shrugged. Although the group's music had never been his exact favorite, Taeyong enjoyed it, and that was enough for him.

The tone got a bit serious then with the Jung having something on his mind. Completely sincere, he looked to the older. 

"I'm sorry about the other night. With the movie and Yuta and everything." Shaking his head, Jaehyun felt a bit guilty. "I swear to you, I won't pull anything like that again."

"Jaehyun, it's alright." It was almost amusing seeing the younger so serious. "The blame isn't entirely on you anyway, it was my fault too. But everything turned out fine, so you don't need to worry about it."

He let out a snicker, eyes on the ground. "That can just be another one of our odd little memories that we'll laugh over in the future."

The statement itself implied they would still have communication in the future. Jaehyun didn't want to overthink anything though, maybe it was just a misspoken phrase.

Taeyong seemed to notice what he had said too, immediately retreating back to the familiar awkwardness. "Well anyway, I just wanted to thank you, so I'll be going now."

As always, the Lee was running. And as always, Jaehyun was wishing he could beg the boy to stay.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the concert." Jaehyun nodded, moving towards the door. He was so conflicted, knowing he should just stay out of it, the Lee was dating his roommate after all. Opening the door, he gave the older a courteous smile. "Thanks for stopping by."

Taeyong nodded, making his way out. Before he had gotten too far though, he turned, an interesting look on his face. 

"Jaehyun, I was thinking. If it's alright with you," He pondered his next words for a moment, almost unsure if he should say them. "Can we be friends again?"  

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