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"Nice hair."

Glancing up from his measley dinner, Taeyong gave Doyoung a smile. "Thanks."

The Kim set his bag down by the door, running his fingers through his hair as he took a seat across from the older.

"Did Yuta help you with it?" Doyoung questioned, motioning to the Lee's locks.

Taeyong seemed uncomfortable all the sudden, but why?

"No." The older cleared his throat, his eyes anywhere but on Doyoung. "I did it myself."

Taeyong was a terrible liar, and after being friends with him for years, Doyoung knew all the signs. Although he saw them all here, he chose not to press further. It wasn't hard to assume why the boy was becoming all reserved and quiet all the sudden.

Deciding to spare his friend some suffering, Doyoung changed the subject. "Are you busy tomorrow?

He hadn't really checked his schedule, but Taeyong had kind of been looking forward to a quiet night at home. "Well, I-"

"You're not. Perfect." Although Taeyong gave him a glare, the Kim couldn't care less. "I've invited Johnny to have dinner with us. It's been a while since we've all been together, and he's agreed, so you're coming too."

That didn't sound so bad. In fact, Taeyong was excited for the idea. "Why didn't you tell me it was just Johnny? I was afraid you were going to make me spend time with just you."

"Funny." Doyoung sneered. Although the two were the best of friends, they still enjoyed poking fun at one another every once in a while.

"So you'll do it?" The Kim reiterated, his eyes boring into the older. "No backing out last minute."

"Why would I do that? It's just Johnny." The Lee laughed, amused by Doyoung's behavior. "Yeah, of course I'll go with you guys."

"You promise?" The younger was being very precise and it confused Taeyong, but he said nothing of it.

"Yes! I promise. Geez, next thing I know you'll make me sign a contract or something." If the Lee had been more awake, he would have been very suspicious of why Doyoung was acting this way.

"Great." Doyoung sighed, relieved to have gotten that over with. The older had promised, so now there was no backing out. "I can't wait."

"Johnny said he'd meet us here at 7 and we're already late." Doyoung glanced at the time, hurriedly approaching the restaurant. His eyes, glared next to him, a malicious look. "Maybe if someone hadn't needed to spend so much time on his precious hair, we could have been on time."

Rolling his eyes, Taeyong followed close behind. "Listen, I need to look good, ok? Some of us actually care about our appearance."

"Yeah, whatever." The Kim gave up, holding the door open for the older. "Next time I'm just leaving without you."

Ignoring the comment, the two stood in the lobby, eyes searching the restaurant for their friend.

Having found the target, Doyoung smiled, subtly pointing to a corner of the place. "There."

Taeyong's gaze followed the Kim's hand, soon finding the table himself. That wasn't the only thing he found though.

Beginning to approach the table, Doyoung was stopped by a panicked arm holding him back. Turning to the Lee, the younger already knew exactly what was up. "What?"

"You said we're just meeting up with Johnny." Taeyong's eyes were huge, burning holes into his friend. "So what is he doing here?"

Hearing an emphasis on a word, Doyoung's eyes flicked back to the table for a second, remaining indifferent. "Oh cool. Jaehyun's here."

Arms crossed in front of him, Taeyong was ready to take his frustration out on anybody. "Johnny must have invited him."

"Oh no, he didn't." Doyoung gave the older a grin. "I did."

The Kim tried walking to the other's but once again he was stopped.

"Why would you do that?" Taeyong was as close to raising his voice as he could without catching other people's attention.

"I told you it's been a while since we've all been together, Taeyong. Why would I invite one and not the other?" Doyoung attempted to take his arm back but the Lee had it in a tight hold. "Why are you even worried? I thought you two were friends now."

"Well, we are, but-" The older shook his head. "It's just weird!"

"It's only weird if you make it." The Kim grinned, now grabbing hold of the older. "Come on. It'll be good for you."

Practically dragging the Lee across the restaurant, Doyoung ignored the older's complaints and begs to go home.

"Sorry we're late." The younger apologized, feeling Taeyong hiding behind him.

"Oh that's alright." Johnny gave the two a welcome smile, inviting them to sit. "Jaehyun was just telling me about school while we were waiting."

Taeyong wasn't sure if it was accidental or if Doyoung was just evil, but he took the seat across from Johnny, leaving only one spot open for the Lee.

Reluctantly he sat, sparing Jaehyun not even a glance. It was difficult, seeing as the Jung was right across from him, but his eyes stayed on the other two at the table.

Taeyong could feel the younger watching him, but he refused to give in.

"Have you two already ordered?" Doyoung asked, scanning the menu in his hands.

Shaking his head, Johnny seemed to be oblivious to the cold, awkward air on the other half of the table. "Not yet, we were waiting for you two."

Realizing he had not even said a word yet, Taeyong felt pressured.

Taking his eyes off the menu, he glanced to their American friend. "Johnny, Ten has been telling me all about how he hasn't gotten to see you and how much he misses you."

A warm smile appeared on the taller's face, his mind on a specific Thai. "I actually got to visit him last night."

"That's great." Taeyong was genuine, glad to hear that his friend was happy. "I'm sure I'll be hearing all about it in class on Monday."

Johnny was about to respond, but was interrupted by a waiter approaching their table.

One by one they ordered, and despite the warm friends and friendly atmosphere, Taeyong couldn't help but dread the remainder of the night, wondering how on earth he was going to survive it.

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