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Hands anxiously gripping the beat up lunch tray, Taeyong stood on his toes, searching the expansive room for anywhere to sit.

He was 15 then. A quiet boy who had trouble talking to new people. If presented with a opportunity to have a conversation, Taeyong would freeze up, a habit he wished desperately he could break.

This trait was very detrimental to him, especially at this moment. Recently his family had moved, so he was enrolled in a new school. Unfortunately for him, all of his peers had been friends for years, and didn't care to branch out.

He couldn't blame them entirely though, it's not like he ever tried to talk to them either.

Giving up on finding any empty seat, Taeyong resorted to an abandoned corner. Sighing, he sat on the floor, his crossed legs serving as a makeshift table.

For a while, he sat there doing what he usually did. Observing. Noticing details about people that others wouldn't pick up on. It was one of his favorite games.

He was currently focused on a group not too far away when he felt a presence in front of him.

Glancing up, Taeyong made eye contact with a lanky, vaguely familiar boy. The kid was in his math class, and a class clown of sorts. He was always talking before he thought about it, and he was quite loud.

Taeyong couldn't remember his name exactly. Something foreign.

The boy stood in front of him, staring him down. He appeared intimidating for a second before a grin appeared on his face. "Hey."

Taeyong hesitantly nodded, watching in horror as the strange boy sat down on the carpet across from him.

"You're Taeyong, right?" The boy questioned, his ebony hair somewhat blocking his eyes. Seeing another small nod from the Lee, the stranger smiled. Taeyong's silence didn't seem to bother him and he appreciated that. "I'm Johnny."

As soon as the kid said his name it sounded familiar. Taeyong appreciated the conversation, he was just confused on why it was happening. Luckily for him, Johnny seemed to read his mind.

"We were wondering if you would want to sit with us for lunch?" The American offered, shrugging his shoulders. "We could use another person to talk to."

Surprised by the offer, Taeyong's eyes widened. He would greatly love that, but he wasn't sure he would be all that great of conversation.

For all he knew, this Johnny kid sat at a table full of obnoxious teens who would love nothing more than to pick fun at the silent boy.

Furrowing his brows, Taeyong quickly glanced around the room, watching for any mischievous eyes.

"We?" He whispered, proud of himself to have actually said something to the American.

Johnny nodded, turning to point somewhere behind him. "Just us two."

It was then that Taeyong finally noticed another boy standing a few feet away. If the Lee didn't know any better, he'd say the boy was trying to hide.

The kid didn't look their age, maybe a little younger. Taeyong hadn't seen him around, he would have remembered him. The boy seemed a bit awkward, not quite sure what to do with his hands as he stood there waiting.

"That's Jaehyun." Johnny shrugged, reminding Taeyong that he was still there. "He's not in our grade, but I still let him hang around me anyway."

Slightly snickering, Johnny glanced back at the Jung. "He's being a little shy right now, but give him a minute to warm up and you'll love him."

Taeyong had no problems with someone being quiet, in fact, it made him feel even a bit more comfortable.

The Lee was about to accept the fact and move on when the Chicago boy leaned over his lunch tray, moving to Taeyong's ear.

"Don't tell him I told you this," Johnny whispered, feeling Jaehyun's gaze on them both. "But I think he's got a little crush on you."

Leaning back, Taeyong's eyes were wide. "Me?" He repeated, pointing to his chest.

"Mhm." The tall kid hummed, moving on as if he didn't just drop a bombshell of information.

A real human person actually liking Taeyong? The idea seemed foreign, practically impossible to him.

"So how about it?" Johnny asked, tilting his head. "You want to eat with us? If the answer is no, don't feel bad. We completely understand."

Now if he was honest, yes. Taeyong did want to eat with them. But those insecurities and dreaded fear of conversation were getting to him. When he thought of following this tall stranger, his heart raced and his palms got all sweaty.

Not sure what to answer, he glanced up to the other boy standing there.

Although the younger seemed awkward, when his eyes met Taeyong's he gave the boy a small smile, his full cheeks displaying deep dimples.

A future weakness of Taeyong's that he'd never be able to overcome.

Despite being extremely cautious not seconds ago, there was just something about that Jaehyun boy that made Taeyong know he could trust him. His previous anxieties seemed to melt away as he looked in the Jung's deep brown eyes.

Then Taeyong did something he never thought possible.

"Yes." Looking back to the bean pole of a boy who was still stationary on the carpet in front of him, the Lee nodded. "I'll sit with you."

That was the beginning of a very long lasting friendship. Despite his nervous silence, Taeyong grew to feel quite comfortable around the two, until the group was doing everything together.

A couple of years later, Doyoung moved to town, and although he was one of the Lee's greatest friends, nothing could beat the relationship he had with the other two.

Especially with one of them.

As the boys grew older, maturing with time, a sort of unspoken romance formed. But both were quiet, not sure how to approach their feelings.

But then one surprising day, Taeyong and Jaehyun actually got together, and couldn't have been happier. They were inseperable, conquering the world together.

Sure sometimes they had their disagreements, but they were always able to solve it. In short, they were completely head over heels in love.

But all good things must come to an end.

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