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Taking a deep breath, Taeyong quietly and hesitantly tapped the door in front of him.

With the sound of approaching footsteps on the other side, the Lee's heart dropped. There was two ways this scenario could play out.

For one, he could knock on the door and Yuta, who was a perfectly wonderful choice and who Taeyong was personally hoping for, could answer.

On the other hand, the knocking could summon his demonic ex, whom Taeyong really did not want to see at the moment.

Luckily for him, the door swung open to reveal a smiling Japanese.

Taeyong couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"You're here!" Yuta grinned, taking a step out the door. He was about to lock up when he absent-mindedly patted his pockets, realizing a problem. He turned to the older, a frown on his lips. "My wallet."

To Taeyong's horror, the Nakamoto entered the apartment once again. "Let me find it quick." Waving his hand, he signaled to the Lee. "Come on in!"

When Yuta had proposed the two do something fun that day, Taeyong was ecstatic, but that feeling soon wore off when the younger suggested they meet at the Nakamoto's apartment. Taeyong was just anxious to get out of there and spend the day with the Japanese. He was terrified that the longer he spent in this place, the more of a chance he had to run into him.

With small and cautious steps, the Lee followed his boyfriend, eyes wavering about the place.

Unfortunately for him, Yuta quickly went into some corner of the place to look for his missing possession, leaving Taeyong alone.

He stayed close to the door, ready to escape at any second. All his senses were on alert, just waiting to detect any threat.

Without even really noticing, the Lee's eyes wandered to a plain white bedroom door, curiosity filling his soul.

So that was the creature's lair.

Taeyong made a mental note to steer clear of that space like his life depended on it.

Peeking his head around the corner, the poor boy was genuinely confused. The only sounds in the whole apartment were from Yuta searching his room, so where was that kid hiding?

Was he sitting somewhere, watching Taeyong's anxious self and laughing to himself?

"Found it!" Yuta laughed, emerging from his room, a brown leather wallet held high in the air. "We can go now."

Taeyong gratefully nodded, taking one last glance around the place in order to spot the hidden man.

Apparently noticing his boyfriend's darting eyes, Yuta raised his brows. "What are you looking for?"

Internally groaning, the Lee looked away. "Oh, it's just-"

Taeyong honestly considered lying. Making up some other excuse so they could just get out of there, but he couldn't do that. Instead, he shrugged, acting as if he didn't really care about this issue. "Where's your roommate?"

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