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Typing away at his computer, Jaehyun made the final adjustments to his paper due tomorrow. Now all there was left to do was just read over it, perfect it, and then he could finally get some sleep.

Scrolling to the top, his tired eyes traced each line, looking for error.

He was focused, in the zone, nothing could tear him away.

Nothing maybe, except for the light knock on the door.

Checking the time, the Jung couldn't imagine who would be visiting at this late hour. Despite his want to finish this assignment, he rose from his chair, making his way to the visitor.

Upon opening the door, Jaehyun was surprised to see Taeyong staring back at him, a large bag heaved over his shoulder.

The Lee gave the other a nod, cursing the heavens that it wasn't the other roommate who opened the door. "Yuta said I could come over."

Yuta, this. Yuta, that. Jaehyun wanted more than anything to escape to his room now. Stepping aside, he invited the older in.

Figuring that Taeyong knew what to do, after all, he was over there almost every week, Jaehyun sat back down.

He was confused though, to just see the Lee standing, lost, in their entryway.

"So what brings you over here?" Jaehyun questioned, his eyes never leaving the screen in front of him.

Clearing his throat, Taeyong readjusted his bag, unsure of what to do with his hands. "A pipe broke in my apartment earlier today, so Yuta said I could stay here tonight while they fix it."

Glancing around, Taeyong was uncomfortable to say the least. "Is he around here, somewhere?"

Letting out a snicker, Jaehyun eyed the older boy. "He left not too long ago. Said something about having to pick up a shift at work."

Taeyong sighed, the awkward air suffocating him. "He must have forgotten."

It was quiet then. Jaehyun wanted to just get this paper over with, but he felt a little pity seeing the other so miserable.

"You're still welcome here, though. I'm sure Yuta wouldn't mind you using his room." Jaehyun offered, trying to be nice. Seeing the Lee's trepidation, he laughed, knowing the reason. "I'll be all the way on the other side of the apartment, don't worry."

Taeyong wanted to play it like he really had to think about it, like he had a thousand other options lined up, but that wasn't true. Doyoung had quickly found a place to stay, assuming that he would stay with Yuta. He could call Ten, but it was already much too late, and he didn't want to bother the Thai.

"I guess that would work." The Lee shrugged, placing his possessions by his feet. Not knowing what else to do, he pulled out his phone, taking the seat opposite of Jaehyun.

A few minutes passed, each doing their own tasks.

Then Jaehyun was bored.

Having his paper complete and turned in, he was now feeling wide awake. The Jung wasn't about to waste this opportunity by sleeping.

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