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"Sounds like you had quite the weekend." An entertained Thai mused, eyes on the boy across from him.

Taeyong shook his head. "That's an understatement."

Currently in their Psycology class, there had been a bit of a break, so Taeyong used it to inform his friend of recent events.

"So Yuta was ok with everything?" Ten leaned forward, his head in his hands. "Even though he found you and Jaehyun in-"

"Please, don't remind me." The Lee grimaced, refusing to remember that morning. "But yes, we talked it out and everything is good."

Approving, the Thai smiled. "That's a good guy you got there."

"I know." Taeyong thought fondly of the Japanese. If he was in that situation, he didn't know if he'd stick around to listen to reason.

Clearing his throat, Ten lowered his voice in order to thwart any eavesdroppers. "So... what are you going to do about Jaehyun?"

Staring the younger down, Taeyong tried hard to supress a smile. "If you're suggesting murder, I'd gladly cooperate."

"No." Ten shook his head, nudging the other boy. "I mean, let's say you go to Yuta's again and he's there. What are you going to do?"

"I guess now I'll do what I've been trying to do all this time." Taeyong shrugged, not really seeing the issue. "Avoid him like the plague."

Ten couldn't help but snicker, his brow raised in disbelief. "Yeah, because that's been working out so well for you."

Taeyong wanted to punch the younger but he wasn't sure how his watchful teacher would feel about such actions.

"Ok, alright! I'll do better this time." Throwing his hands up in surrender, the Lee wanted to leave. "It's not my fault that everywhere I go, that's where he is too. It's unreal! No matter what I do, we keep meeting up."

"Hey, I'm not blaming you." The Thai claimed innocence, but wasn't quite truthful. "Your plan sounds great."

Looking for any hint of deception, Taeyong luckily came up empty handed. "Thank you."

The Thai nodded, quite curious on how the situation would turn out, although he'd never admit it.

For one, he knew Jaehyun and the younger's feelings for this oblivious Lee.

He also knew Taeyong. Even though he would never ask the Lee, he wondered about the boy's intentions. Maybe the older didn't even know them himself.

"Are you busy after school today?" Ten questioned, disappointment showing clear on his face. "Johnny has been so busy with work lately and I just need to do something."

Feeling a bit bad, Taeyong nodded. "I am, sorry. Yuta and I are meeting up later, apparently it's urgent."

Ten only shrugged, a pang of jealousy hitting him. "That's alright."

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