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Stepping up to the daunting door, Yuta readjusted his clothes, fixing a few strands of his hair. Once he was quite content, he put a few firm knocks on the door. 

Knowing that Taeyong didn't have classes today, for once in his life he was obeying his boyfriend and paying the Lee a visit at his apartment. He couldn't be prouder of himself. 

It took a minute, but the door finally opened, revealing a confused Doyoung behind it. 

Staring the Japanese up and down, noting Taeyong's favorite snacks held tight in the older's hands, the Kim smiled. "Can I help you?" 

Almost confused to see Doyoung playing nice, Yuta decided to also be agreeable. "I just came to see Taeyong. Is he here?"

With this statement, Doyoung's smile dropped. "He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" The way the younger said the statement made Yuta's stomach tight. "Is everything alright?"

Realizing that Yuta most likely thought there was some emergency, Doyoung felt a little bad. It was fun playing with the Japanese and he almost considered lying, but decided against it.

"Oh, everything's fine." The Kim shrugged, disappointed he wasn't going to get to play some trick on the doting boy. "He just isn't here today."

Yuta was relieved to hear there hadn't been an accident or anything, but he was still curious. "Well where is he?" 

Shrugging, Doyoung leaned against the door. "In town, visiting his parents."

"I'm home!" Taeyong called, shutting the door being him and tucking the key back in his pocket.

A loud clatter sounded from the kitchen a few seconds before a woman emerged from the room. "It's about time you payed us a visit! I missed you!"

Engulfed in the woman's arms, Taeyong smiled, returning the gesture. "Mom, I talk to you almost every day."

"Well I know that, but it's good to see your face." The woman looked up to her son, moving a few strands of hair from his eyes. "Sit down for a minute! Tell me everything."

Not about to argue, the Lee listened to his mother, finding the closest chair.

"Everything is great. My classes are a bit difficult, but that's normal." Taeyong considered sharing everything that had occured lately, but decided to keep most of it to himself. "I saw Johnny the other night."

"Johnny?" The woman smiled, pleased to hear the familiar name. "How is that boy doing? I see his mom at the store every once in a while. She tells me he's found himself quite the catch."

"Yeah, Ten's great." The two had realized they had a few classes together and had become pretty good friends. "And Johnny's good. He hasn't changed a bit."

"Well that's fantastic." The mother grinned, genuinely pleased to hear the news. But the mention of Johnny brought back thoughts of other people.

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