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"I can't believe you're willingly torturing yourself, man. That's so lame."

Rolling his eyes at the voice on the phone, the insulted man made his way down a long hallway, examining each door along the way.

"It's called 'getting a education', Johnny." The man chuckled, tightening his hold on the box he was carrying. One hand was on the slipping cardboard, the other on the phone by his ear. "Not all of us can just be born rich."

"I'm just saying, Jae. There are much better ways you could be spending your time. You could take another year off, get a job! You could meet someone!"

Jung Jaehyun could practically see the older man's teasing grin from those words.

Shaking his head as if the American could see him, the younger just frowned. "No. I'm going to school."

After graduating and taking some time off to gain experience in the world, Jaehyun had decided that it was finally time to do something. He wanted to have a career, be successful. So now he was here: his first year of college.

"You're crazy, man." Johnny sighed, secretly admiring the other for his determination. "Why on earth would you want to study and take tests every day? Not to mention you're going to have a roommate! What if the dude's a psycho?"

"You don't think I can handle myself against some puny college kid?" Jaehyun was only slightly offended. "Plus they probably do background checks. I'll be fine."

"That's what you think until you let your guard down for just a second and your throat gets slit while you're sleeping." Johnny nodded, quite sure the situation was going to play out.

Jaehyun only sighed, closing his eyes. "I'm hanging up now."

"Wait, no I'm sorry!" The older laughed, amused by the Jung's pettiness. "I'm sure you'll have a great time."

"Who knows," Johnny gasped, an important thought resurfacing in his mind. "maybe you'll even see him."

Jaehyun stopped for a moment, ignoring the looks from the people moving past him. "That was over two years ago, Johnny. We haven't seen or talked to each other since that day. He could be anywhere in the world."

That was true, but the American was quite sure. "Come on, you know that was his dream school. He's got to be there."

Jaehyun was aware of that fact. It had possibly crossed his mind when he applied to go here and every other second he was on the campus.

He was both excited and terrified at the possibility of seeing him.

Jaehyun's first heartbreak.

"Admit it, you want to see him." Johnny stated, curious to hear the boy's answer.

Memories of a simpler, happier time flashed through the Jung's mind, memories he often revisited.

"Not really." Shrugging his shoulders, the younger picked up his feet and kept moving. "I don't even think about him anymore."

After knowing the other for a majority of his life, Johnny knew this to be a lie.

"Mhm." The older hummed, choosing not to argue today.

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