chapter 43

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Jimin swished open his sunglasses while on the way to the exit of the airport like he was in some kdrama.

We had already reached India and I can't be more excited than I was right then to come back home.

We landed in Kolkata first to meet my mother and then we will start our tour.

"Ok here we are!" Bong Soon danced from one foot to the other while holding Jungkook by his arms who was forced to bounce along with her. Jin and Jimin started snooping around as usual while I held Taehyung's hand tighter as I turned my head all about the place with a grin on my face.

"You're so happy right?!" He said chuckling.

"Yesss very very!!" I exclaimed looking at him with my eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Ok so what next?" Jimin enquired.

"We take a taxi home" I said looking around for one while coming out through the exit gate.

We took a taxi and tried to fit in it. At last bong soon was in Jungkook's strong arms and I was in Taehyung's. Jin sat in the passenger seat while Jimin sat with us. The driver gave a small smile as he started the engine.

We talked about various things on the way showing them stuff I told them about back in Seoul. The driver was a friendly chap and he occasionally joined the conversation and made us break into fits of laughter.

Finally we reached our place.

Taehyung POV

Her place was a beautiful one. It had those pretty vibes all about it. Y/n banged on the door after pressing the bell.

"Maaaaaa!!!! Ooo maaaa!!!" She shouted.

"Hai hai coming!" There came a soft voice from inside.

We waited for a couple of seconds before her mother came to open the door. She was wearing a what felt like a long night dress with a shrug kind of thing over it. Her hands were covered in what seemed to be flour. She had the most beautiful smile on her face.

"Oh you guys are here! Come in. Welcome home beta." Then she turned towards us who were standing outside fidgeting a bit and said, "Come inside. Treat it as your home. It is your home after all! Y/n will do the rest. Call me if you need something. I'll be in the kitchen." She smiled before she went back to what she was doing.


"She is a dear I know." I shrugged proudly.

"I wont be able to handle the sweetness anymore" Bong soon said giggling.

"Me too" Jin and Jungkook chorused.

"Cut it out guys" I said rather embarrassed yet happy.

"Ok ok now tell us what to do"

"There is this one problem I need to talk to you all about. And it's a grave one."

All of them turned serious instantly. Jimin said, "what wrong y/n-ah tell us dont worry". Taehyung was staring with worry in his eyes. All the others waited for me to talk.

"Uh.... actually we have just two rooms. One is occupied by my mother. And there's just one left. I think we all have to make do with that. I thought of it during the flight. I think we have enough mattresses and pillows and bedsheets to make you a comfortable bed on the floor. And it's not even that cold here. Moreover not more than two people can accommodate on the bed. So is it ok for the guys to sleep on the floor if I make you the beds. I'm so sorry I should have thought about it. You're all my guests and I can't even provide you with a bed. I'm-"

Before I can say anything else they burst out laughing. Taehyung clasped me between his arms as he patted my head gently smiling.

"Are you kidding me y/n?! Isn't what you have already done enough for us to pay you back all our lifetime?! A bed? On the floor? We can surely make do with it. And all of us together in a room? That's even more fun. Rest assured we are not letting you girls sleep for days haha!" Jimin burst out laughing again.

"Seriously?! You guys are the best!!" I sighed in relief.

"Glad you realized early" Jin pretended to sneer as we all burst out laughing.

"A lively pack of friends aren't you?" We were startled by the sudden voice as y/n's mom came inside with a whole plate of what looked like some fried thing.
"Try these. You'll love it." Ahe winked with her teeth all showing and left.

"She is so so cute" Bong Soon said.

"Pakoras for y'all" I announced as I placed the plates on the table.
"We are also going out after having these. It's gonna be funnnnnn!" I cheered as they roared with enthusiasm.

I was happy I brought them here. I was happy they were my friends.
I loved them so much.

A/n: the next chapter is here. I hope you like it. Do vote comment and share if you like it. It would be appreciated. The next chapter will be here soon. Until then love love! 🥺❤