chapter 17

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The midterms came and went in a flash.

After the last paper was done we all were sitting together on one of the cateen tables chattering away, while gulping down our kimchi jjigae.

"How was it? Exams i mean." Jimin asked with his mouth stuffed.

"I think it was good" i replied.

"ok for me" bong soon and jungkook replied together and grinned at each other.

"Well better than previous ones for me" jimin said.

"Me too" jin said next.

"Well what about you taehyung?" I asked seeing that he was quiet all this time.

"What do you think?" He stared at me intently.

"It must have gone great?"

"Exactly!" Then he concentrated on his eating again.

There was this weird pause as nobody talked for a minute and as usual it was jimin who broke the silence first.

"Well I was thinking of a good idea. How about a trip as we have finished our midterms? Our school will be closed for a week or two. And our final term is far away."

"A trip to some exciting place would be great!" Bong soon's eyes twinkled.

"Unlike the others staying at hotels we can go camping to some remote area." Jungkook said.

"And we will put up tents in the nights. We can enjoy some beautiful view as well. And we will make our food on our own." Jin was next.

"This seems so exciting!" I said.

Trip with my korean friends in South Korea..... Well that's what I came here for!

"Well now Taehyung-ssi what about you?" All eyes were on taehyung now.

Why is he always the last one to reply!

"I'll think about it!"

"God-damn-it NO! you're coming with us! Well I didn't ask you if you want to. I said you're coming." Jimin, Jungkook, ans Jin were used to him while Bong Soon and I chuckled.

This is too good to be true!

We decided we're gonna meet at the restaurant taehyung and I work at in the evening for some discussion about the place and time.


In the evening, we met at the restaurant.

We took all of our orders because we had to check in for work as well.

We sat there sipping our americanos thinking about a good place to camp.

Well I was not thinking they were.

"Well what about gimhae sineosan?"

"It's too far away!"

"Then songjeong?"

"It's closed now"

"Uh- then yulpo beach?"

"Are you crazy?! Beach in this hot melting summertime?! We all gonna come home half-baked!"

Hah! They all sighed.

Suddenly Taehyung solved the problem.

"Well I know where we could go. Nanji hangang park. It's near the mountains but in the ground level. It gonna be an awesome weather right now. Camps are available there itself so we don't have to carry ours. One of the best views as well...." He kept on saying occasionally sipping his americano looking outside the glass doors to the night sky.

Well I don't know why but it felt a bit romantic sitting there looking at him like that.

Suddenly the three boys got up and pounced on him, hugging him and kissing him, while bong soon and I giggled away at the antiques of these four crazy people.

All the people in the restaurant turned towards us and gave out small laughs.

At least I understood that our destination was already decided!

I felt so excited that I wanted to jump but I suddenly remembered it was a public place.

Manners y/n! I scolded myself.

We decided the date and time and they got up to leave. We had a bit of our part time left so we stayed back.

Taehyung walked me home as usual.

While I was unlocking the door i suddenly asked him.

"Isn't it gonna be exciting?! I am thrilled!"

"Hmmmm" he smiled his precious smile.

"See you then." I waved at him and went inside.

This was one of my happiest days

and well...... More are yet to come!